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Friends in the Video
Why is it fuckin brighter than usual
…double guilty.
your soo mean and i love it!
At the end of this video, someone is going to be sleeping on the couch tonight. Who could it be?
And to think its happining again lmfao round 3
Love phasmo vids Brian. Especially w lanai. Lol. She's hilarious. Can't wait to see her playing w nogla 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That first ghost is straight up training for the olympics.
The muffled screams from the closed front door had me wheezing
Brian ur so mean… I LOVE IT
After Brian said "you all laughed yall hut that like button that makes you double guilty." I hit the like button
Ewing sounds like a mix between evan and moo
5:52 I'm sorry i speak chinese
2:40 Ong was so fucked but funny 🤣
why does Ewing sound like Evan? like he could be evans brother. Especially here 1:37
Hey Brian if u see this tell vanoss tristen said hi it will mean alooooot to me:)
I'm so glad they updated the game… N I'm proud of the Christopher ghost lol
Its funny witnessing the suffering of new players who can't open doors 😂👻🚪
4:12 when I think of sprinting Zombies I think of World War Z the movie before the game I highly recommend watching it Brian it's a great Zombie Movie low-key 7:37 his scream reminds me of a cartoon
Lanai's in the video now cause shes prob asking if Brians winning so she joins him to make him feel better 😂😂 (cause hes not winning)
ewing was pretty dramatic like it almost felt like he was forcing himself to scream like it wasnt even that scary to scream that loud just cuz lights flashed
Do more super smash bros videos
brian being a super supportive boyfriend to lanai at the end is so sweet
Anthony isn't there so I'll say it. "PIGGYRISER'S BACK BABY!" rofl!
I'd like to just laughing at the ghost when it was spurting out the bathroom and I'm like thinking about Elizabeth just walking out the bathroom cuz like her boyfriend just came back from Starbucks 😂🤣😂 3:48
This is revenge for getting spanked all those times
Imagine if lanai played phasmopbia in vr?
Brian you should make lenai go inside by herself and see if she could get as many objectives done as possible
Wait, you saw the ghost, like 28 days later, yes? 4:14
I love how the first real jump scare came from Brian and not the ghost at 2:40 fucking love that
Well that was incredibly disappointing judging by the title and thumbnail. She was alone for about 30secs, I was expecting at least 2-3mins of her panicking and screaming.
Is it just me or does Ewing sound similar to Vanoss?
@7:35 I can stop rewinding it funny as hell
Ewing sounds like a hybrid between Vanoss and Wildcat
The snorts man XD. the f***ing snorts XD XD XD quality