In this Phasmophobia video, I made the game look bad on purpose! I tried playing with the lowest possible graphics to make the game look like an old console version. Did not know what to expect. Played at Tanglewood. Games streamed live on Twitch!
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#phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiaupdate
Hi flash😊
I saw this on stream. People in the YouTube chat were hopping in and wondering “WTF happened to the graphics.” It was funny having to explain it to them
What in the Playstation 2…
Your next step should be getting a USB N64 controller to play with! And to me, if you threw a VHS filter on it, it would look like one of the EMIKA games!
Hey this how I usually play phasmaphobia cuz my pc can’t handle the graphics 😭
i had to play on this for a while it sucks
Wait your game don’t look like this?!?! I assume phasmo had some cool retro feel It was going for
Hey flash is it 1am or pm just wondering
as a intel hd graphics player this is a daily job for me
Phasmophobia to Fathom.
looks like those indie Japanese horror games from steam, low res ain’t that bad
Oooh this looks fun!!! Maybe I'll try to talk my group into doing this to spice things up XD
Damn I didn't know phasmo was on the Nintendo 3ds
This is awesome
Ngl….im about it!
Love Youre videos keep up the good work
Looks like a game on a nintendo ds
Yeah… bad…
Me: oh a new flash vid
Me 2 secs later: oh damn this low quality looks familiar🤨
Me😢: damn thats the highest quality my gaming device can achive 😶
For you it's bad quality for me its the highest quality i'll ever get😶…
10:45. When he showed up as a shadow. It was missingno.
For myself to feel this video I am watching this at 144p
Now I challenge y'all to watch this on the lowest resolution possible 😈
Phasmo if it was released on old gen consoles💀
Oh hey! It’s the game if I played without my glasses!
Want an even more immersive experience turn the graphics down on YouTube as well..
I started cracking up when I saw dots 😀 "Tier 4 Squares"
Oh cool, a filter of my vision without glasses!
Actually looks really cool 😂
i could feel the pixels LUL
Me playing on my legion oleo right now. I cannot deal with this 😂😂
I can count the pixels in this video, it's beautiful
These graphics really say lethal company to me 😂
it reminds me of the artstyle of fears to fathom
basically FNAF security breach on switch
Why doesn't Flash use the double line on tier 2 motion?
This is actually overkill for getting this game on my laptop to be a playable game instead of a powerpoint presentation.
Looks like a Puppet Combo game
Even the ghost had fun! 😁
“Bro what the fuuuu I don want any” 🤣🤣😭 me every time the ghost hunts
That was actually fun to watch…. I had many throwback moments when the graphics were not yet fully developed…. Reminded me a bit of C64 😀
Is it just me hearing this in the video or does 13:48 sound like their is some extremely quiet whispering happening here ??? It stops at 13:52. It's abit hard to hear over the game but I swear their are some extremely quiet whispers happening in the vid their, I played back multiple times, I can hear it but it's impossible to understand unless edited to be turned up XD
I used to play like this before i got my new pc😅
all these squares make a circle…. all these squares make a circle….
In order to get full immersion I have put the video to 144p and rest assured, my potato of a laptop is actually running smoothly.👍
I'm relieved to say that even though my laptop can struggle with Phasmo at times, it's nowhere near this bad 😂