I’m trying to port it out a Minecraft Phasmophobia in 1.19x but in 0.14 and 0.15.
So many players are playing a legacy version of MCPE – Pocket Edition or
Minecraft copy like Craftsman ⬅ i don’t like this game distributed minecraft idk
Actually we just include: @yuki3967
Phasmophobia Mobile Lover
If you wanna get does item in the video showed heres the link: https://youtu.be/FRUPLyp1CQM
Map: not released yet subscribe to know when this map release!
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Textures by DeathlyTroll https://mcpedl.com/user/jonas-ollig/
Coded by: @teaSer7_GGADC
Some of the code and models texture by: @teaSam7
Thank you for helping!!!
I love you all guys 🙂