My First Game with TIER 1 EQUIPMENT | Phasmophobia Ascension Update

The Tier 1 equipment makes me feel like a brand-new player trying to learn how to play again. Some of these items can be difficult to get evidence with but I am honestly enjoying it! The Phasmophobia Ascension update has added multiple tiers of items to the game to unlock. Looking forward to unlocking more. Game was streamed LIVE on my Twitch channel.

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20 thoughts on “My First Game with TIER 1 EQUIPMENT | Phasmophobia Ascension Update”

  1. We were loving the update last night! Going back to square 1 was so fun, even with the day 1 update bugs. Discovering the new thermo, spirit box, and ghost hunt changes made for endless laughs!

  2. Typically a good way to find the ghost room using T1 equipment is to turn on the fuse and walk around with a thermometer. Most rooms will stay constant, but if a room starts to drop in temperature see if it drops significantly. You'll have time to do this on small maps without a hunt unless you get a Thaye or Demon

  3. this update is so much fun. i love it. however the equipment makes things so much harder to see like with dots & orbs i have to literally be staring close to my monitor to see 😂


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