i got bamboozled
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ethan: i got bamboozled
me: you got gongoozled!
OH come on. how could you not tell that was one of them?
The CPU is putting my oven to shame
i just wanted to tell you as a tip, when you say the ghost's name you're only pissing it off. if you want to ask it a question or ask it to do something, ask the question without the name. the name actually cancels out whatever you asked of it. it will really help you if you decide to play into the difficult levels. also, when you're hiding the ghost can hear you talk. try not to hide in the spawn room too – usually doesn't end well lol. not trying to be annoying or anything just thought i'd share in case you might be interested. fun video!
at the GeT oUT part did no one see the person walk behind them and up the stairs-
Ashley do be prankin tho
Lol I love how u just heard the faint "wOwWee" and "enLaRgE thEm"
This whole video can be taken outta context
Lol I can do that voice she does as well 😂
The two guys holding hands part killed me
Why do all these people sound like Ethan from alternate universes?
Pretty passive aggressive title
He is so like 😱😨😱😨😨
He is so scared haha lmao haahaa
Quarantine must have been hard on Ethan if he wants a ghost to peg him
Haha his camara died
Its always so weird for me when different Youtubers say Dorothy over and over again in this game. 😂
When I finish an anime and need to watch something to make me feel better I watch crank gameplays
Don't hide in the room that the ghost lives in. It will find you.
Hey Eef I got a fidget toy idea for you: Take two game controller joystick covers and put the part that goes on the joystick together. Press them together and they make a popping sound! INFINITE BUBBLE WRAP. I love it and always have them beside me on a shelf. It works with just one against your thumb too, but I like how it feels to press them together and the sound is better. Downside is just that it's noisy lol.
i watched this on vr..
This got me.
This seriously got me.
Unnas annus
Ethan: "Quarantine has got me, ANYTHING will do!"
Me, watching about anyone playing Phasmophobia: "MOOD" 😂
(Lol, still love ya, Baby Blue! I'm just addicted to this game more than anything else, lately.)
they gotta go to asylum man
Death by fucking
i feel bad for any lindas watching this
"My" "friends" "pranked" "me" "in" "phasmophobia"
I'm sure someone has already commented this, but when you want to ask the ghost a question, don't say their name first. All they hear is the name and it pisses them off. 😉
I wanna get this game but I’m not entirely sure if you need a good pc cuz my pc is shit
Poor Linda being harassed…
"William Garcia, do something for me"
*face cam shuts off
Eeef hello