My voice is on the spirit box in Phasmophobia! As an official creator for the game, I had the pleasure of getting asked to record voice lines that would be included on the spirit box in the game. I had no clue what lines they would use and they may have used more so I am now on the search haha Have you heard me in the game yet???? Game was streamed LIVE on my Twitch channel.
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#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #phasmophobiaupdate
That’s a massive flex my guy. That’s freaking awesome!
Let’s Go another FlashForce Vid to make my day ❤
Ooooohhhhh VIDEO TIME
Love the vids
i love your videos flashforce!
That's awesome! Show how big of a creator you are! Keep it up Flash
Let's just appreciate Mr FlashForce putting in so much for our entertainment ❤
That's actually so fire
yes another flash vid, keep it up, they make my day
skip to 7:20 for his voice on the spirit box
Hey Flash! Any advice for a brand new player to phas? Love your vids!
I think it isabsolutely the coolest thing ever that they used the voices of the community for the new spirit box overhaul!
if i heard flashforce in the spirit box i would immediately not scared.
>me : Are you flashforce?
>spirit box: flashforce voice
>me: Oh! I know this ghost! not that scary!
… then died when it hunted.
7:22 Title
i got my first dots interaction earlier and i fled,
Omg! That's really cool! I didn't know they were doing that.
1:35 Flash: “where are you”
Ghost “yeets kitchenware”
Any of the Voice Commands arnt working for me, Wishing on Monkey paw, Asking Ouija Board, or talking to Spirit Box, Anybody else have this problem?
Flash if u pin me you will always have good luck for everything
3:48 I thought it said, “An elderly bit-“ you can finish the sentence.
Bro i watch your videos and got addicted to them.
And hope to join you on twich soon. Keep it up.
FlashForce deserves more subscribers he makes me happy when he uploads and when I am eating something nice i go to his channel and watch the videos that he post's I just want to show some love for him ❤
I sworn I heard a familiar voice but that was unexpected, damn
So i am 3DDesigner, and i work from home, and sometimes i play videos in the background to have like '"feeling that i am not alone" and your voice is so calm and your way you play this game without screaming, makes me happy ♥ thank you for your content and your gameplay ♥