NEW Mimic Ghost EXPLAINED | Phasmophobia

Phasmophobia Mimic Ghost is the newest addition to Phasmophobia. In this video I am going to show you it’s capabilities and will explain why you should be careful with this ghost.

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39 thoughts on “NEW Mimic Ghost EXPLAINED | Phasmophobia”

  1. i think its fair to say this is one of, if not the most dangerous and hardest ghost in the game. the only way to really identify is watching multiple hunts, which is scary. but its especially scary when it has Raiju abilities! im curious though, does this mean he can also hunt at any % like the demon can?

  2. i remember my first encounter with it we all thought it was a Hantu then i told me buddy to go to the basement with spirit box it almost got us we were about to go back to base with hantu. now whenever we see orbs we are always sketchy around it

  3. Im glad theres a ghost that rules out the "Got lucky with a unique ability, i know the ghost type instantly now" makes it much more if an investigation rather than just matching abilities to ghost types

  4. My friends tell me that the mimic makes "fake" objects that if you pick up and try to carry out of the house something happens. I would say they are messing with me BUT they are not the kind of guys to lie like that. Let alone have us sit and look for it among the items in the ghost room to try and prove it.

    Basically I wasn't there for it they were just playing as 3 without me, but they said they got a mimic when they were playing and one of my friends noticed a particularly spaztic mug that was getting moved by the ghost A lot so he picks it up and when he goes to leave the house with it suddenly he gets teleported to the basement and when he's running through the house to get back out the door closes and hunts him.

    They don't play public so I don't think it was hackers and if they lied they are much to dedicated to it if they are going to run every item out of the ghost room looking for the "fake" one for 10-30 minutes. I can't find any info about it but their sincerity on it makes me think that at least something happened.

  5. Guys, the game keeps me kicking me out of the game with "Disconnected: Exception" and I've tried: Alternate port from within the game, the vpn thing and restarting but it keeps happening, how do I fix this?

  6. TIP: Since there no longer is a ghost with Spirit Box, Fingerprints, and Ghost Orb all 3 together you can figure out a Mimic by only getting Spirit Box and Fingerprints. And if you've placed a camera and happen to have Spirit Box and Fingerprints as evidence, Look for an Orb and you'll immediately know it's a Mimic.

  7. Thank you, @psycho , I've been out of action this past fortnight so have missed nearly all of the December updates, INCLUDING the Christmas Update itself. When I started going online again, I noticed all these references to a "mimic" and thought they were referring to The Twins. Ye saved me from much confusion and possibly misidentifying / dying to one. I haven't encounter one …yet. 😱

    I've already encountered the Mirror in the Prison Lobby …to my detriment. I was like "WTF is this?" It broke …and I died. It twas in the fenced hallway just outside the Prison Lobby and zeroed in onto my location. When the Mirror broke, the next thing I saw was the Hands. 😭

    Then I encountered the new voodoo doll (unaware of the changes). I was surprised when it twitched. (Didn't initially noticed the ghost interactions at the time, was too focused on the Doll's reactions thence). Obviously I played with it too much and triggered a hunt. I ran to the boy's bedroom with the ghost hot on my heels, and to my dismay, I discovered that the curtains there are now solid and don't allow hiding in there anymore. Needless to say: I died …again, LOL 😆

    The ouija board killed me too. As per my habits, I plopped down the board at the front entrance. Hunkered down with my heels on the doorway frame. Then I proceeded on to asking "where are you" several times to get a feel as to where it's wandering around (right wing, ground level…and heading towards Asylum entrance). I was like oh sht I better move, and discovered I couldnt leave the board. (Didn't know that I had to say goodbye to leave the board.) Then the door snapped shut on my arse and I was actually PUSHED further into the map. I was STILL stuck to the board when I heard the heartbeats, but this time I actually could hear the differences in the beats volume as it increased with what I assume to be the ghost's proximity to me. And yes, I died …again. With my face STILL glued to the ouija. 😳🙄🤦

  8. i got him yesterday, me and my friend tried to get spirit box but he didn't respond at all, and we saw ghost orb so we thought it was a Hantu since we didn't have enough knowledge about the new ghosts abilities cuz we haven't played this game in long time :/ it was fun though

  9. The Mimic is definitely one of those ghosts that has serious potential to wipe your team if you're not careful with it, mostly being the fact that it can mimic all Ghost types abilities and behavior including the Revenant.
    This also makes gathering evidence 10x harder.

  10. A mimic almost played me and my pals like a damn fiddle today. High school, chemistry lab near the gym, orbs + freezing. First hunt was at normal speed. We hadn't managed to get the third evidence, but it tanked our sanity so much that we agreed on Yurei. My friend went to the farthest room possible to play tarot cards. It moved to his room. Then it hunted, but this time was really slow. Deogen was impossible, so we agreed on Mimic pretending to be a Deo and we got it right. That run was a rollercoaster.

  11. I know alot of people trash on the mimic but it's actually quite exciting when it turns into one of the scarier ghost types ive had mimic become phantom,wraith,deo,revenant,hantu,demon it's always fun when it's something new every time


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