Meet the new ghost in Phasmophobia: The Mimic. This ghost can mimic the abilities of other ghost types, and always seems to leave ghost orbs in addition to its normal 3 pieces of evidence.
This video contains my first experience with The Mimic on Nightmare, and I’ll show you how to easily identify it.
i had realy sneaky hunted mirror that was hang on a wall on ridgewiev
In chat they were saying the mimic mimics abilities rather than ghosts. So does that mean it could stack multiple similar abilities? Imagine it copying from revenant and raiju and running at you at 4x speed during a hunt if it sees you and is near electronics…..
would be cool if the mimic had the other ghost objective but still had the ghost orb as 4th evidence, if it was ghost with ghost orb then it would had something else as 4th evidence
Umm nuzz how can i fix my mic that the ghost could here me. Players can hear me but ghost don't hear me
One of the pins may make the ghost change to a random room. We had a basement ghost, hit ALL the pins, and at some point during our messing with the voodoo doll it had changed rooms all the way to the top floor where it proceeded to start a hunt.
Ghost orbs are wandering in a few spot in the camera when the others stays at the same place. Also if you have 4 evidences that a Mimic by default lol
I just wonder if we have 3 evidences for Mimic in nightmare mode instead of two?
Can you smudge and then play the box? Or will the smudge be canceled out?
0:22 Let's see how many people get it when I say, "Wade screams in the distance".
I don't think the Mimic completely mimics other ghosts, but it mimics certain ABILITIES
The mimic is an interesting one. We had a mimic behave like a poltergeist. Everything in the house was being thrown to the floor.
I know we just got this update but I wouldn’t be sad if you made another story mode with all of the new updates.
It would be terrifying if the mimic could copy the player appearance. For example, you are playing with 4 people and you split up. The mimic would just copy one of the teammates and follow the one person who is alone and then after a couple seconds it would just hunt. (I know it would make it easier to guess that it's a mimic, but it would be creepy though.)
I had a mimic, mimic a yurei. My friend and I were so confused why our sanity was so low so fast cause none of the evidence pointed towards a ghost that could lower sanity
Haven't played in a bit and heard about the mimic. Got a 'Hantu' that turned out to be a mimic. 61 Interactions, 1 hunt, 0 events. Tricky litter bugger
What I thought was an Obake today was actually a mimic. I saw a fake 6 fingered print and called it a day. Do not jump to conclusions as fast as I did!
One thing I've noted about a Mimic is they sometimes mimic your actions as well, I noticed this when in Tanglewood I turned on the lightswitch and IMMEDIATELY after not even a second the ghost turned the light off. Then in one of the farmhouses I pushed a piano key and IMMEDIATELY after it also pushed a piano key. Both instances were mimics. This is a way easier way to tell if its a mimic. They don't mimic every action but when they do mimic you. There isn't a pause.
Is the Ghost always mimicing just one ghost type or can it switch between different types in one mission?
Two games in a row the mimic almost got me. The first he vanished when I took his picture, making me think he was a Phantom. The second time he walked very slowly during the hunt making me think it was a Revenant. Love this new ghost and how it makes you have to think and be thorough.
So, very odd question that I know can’t really be truly answered with extreme detail yet, but what if the Mimic ghost is a fake Twins? Would it have two “ghost locations” but just have orbs? I don’t entirely know how it would work?
lolz i got 3 mimics in a row XD
Didn't even think about how easy it would be to identify on nightmare mode. Although you're the first that I have seen get it on that difficulty. Either way, great video!
They should make it so that on the payment screen it says Ghost Type: (Ghost Mimicked) Mimic
So does the mimic decide to act as the same ghost the whole time or does it change, one hunt acting like a Raiju and another hunt acting like a Shade?
14:24 omg u talked about mariah, read my name and you’ll understand my excitement Lol
In case anyone hasn't found out yet and is still wondering what the Banshee's new ability is;
The Banshee now has a unique howl on the parabolic microphone.
I was hoping there would also be cursed objects like on ghost hunters corp where you use a device to find usual props around the house that are cursed and return them to the truck as a challenge for more money.
0:22 LordMinion777 wants to have a word with you.
right off the bat I am at 4:19 and so far each time he could see his breath he was looking at chat. If I am correct that is evidence for freezing temps.
wtf are those tvs in the van?
Hes mimicing the wall
I had all the evidence for a Hantu
Freezing Temps
Ghost Orbs
But then I was suspecting a mimic so I used the spirit box and I got nothing. So I really thought it was a hantu. Turns out it was mimic smh
How are you so successful at this game
Mimic is really easy on Nightmare. If you get three pieces of evidence in Nightmare, you've got yourself a Mimic. Of course then, the only issue is getting activity and not dying.
5:44 is that a hunt? If so, how is he alive?
I really like the Mimic, not only because as a gamer the additional possibilities of the mechanics, but also as a Horror fan, it reminds me of some of my favorite ghost stories.
Like in the 1944 film, The Uninvited, you think you know what's going on with the ghost, but then it turns out to be tricky like that (keeping it vague to avoid spoilers).
Fun fact: the "radio show" you hear in the hall during the game "At Dead of Night", is actually chunks of the audio of this film. So if anyone is curious about that story after playing that or perhaps watching the let's play on this channel, check out "The Uninvited" (1944 version! Not any of the modern films by this name. Totally unconnected. They aren't even remakes.)
It's one of my favorite movies. Great casting, really great special effects surprisingly for being that old, and a nice touch of humor. It's supernatural horror, but there's quite a bit of mystery and psychological horror as well.