[NEW PATCH] Ghosts Can HEAR YOU Now During Hunts? [FULL ANALYSIS] – Phasmophobia

All you need to know for the brand new Phasmophobia patch that introduces the ghosts ability to hear you talking during hunts. I tested the new feature and will tell you everything we know so far.

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43 thoughts on “[NEW PATCH] Ghosts Can HEAR YOU Now During Hunts? [FULL ANALYSIS] – Phasmophobia”

  1. They really should be able to open closet doors but only if they hear you. Our "team" always uses in game comms with open mic for immersion. If they could hear us and open closet doors, would make it super scary and really emphasize on being quiet. Probably hard to code and balance and will may be a while til we get to that point.

  2. the AI of this game is still terrible.. character animations is terrible.. I wish this would be develop by a good studio, but handsdown for the initial idea for this game which is awesome.

  3. For some reason I tested this in a few houses. I am on beta but ghost does not seem to be drawn to me. The now opening doors during hunt is cool though but when testing it in several runs it just doesn't seem to come after me. Tangle wood and street house. I died twice but it was usually on the third hunt or so. I talked. I tried singing the entire time. I made sure push to talk was off and even press V any ways to double check.

  4. I dont know what you think about this but in the official Trello Board in the "In Progress" section it says that the Revenant speed is too slow 😂😂 I really think that when the official update comes out, were going to have a nice completely reworked hunting update 😅😅

  5. Pretty sure it works a floor below you too. Had a ghost in the office on bleasdale, we talked in the utility room above. The ghost just ran up the stars and entered the room immediately. Would that room be on it's normal route too? I don't really know where a office ghost would go during a hunt in bleasdale.

  6. New question: on the facebook page people claim your sanity decreases when interacting with the voodoo doll, the ghost will find you if you have the voodoo doll in your inventory and that a hunt will start 100% if u toss the voodoo doll in dirty water

  7. Btw found a new bug on Beta but couldnt redo it; when picking up an item at the same time as another player (exact same time) you now pick up their hand holding the item. It is 100% nightmare fuel LOL..if you throw the item on the ground, you also throw the hand holding the item on the ground..freaky


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