It is here, a ‘small’ Phasmophobia content update that is not small at all 😉 Lets have a look at what has changed!
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What do you think the new Thaye ghost will do?
YO NEW UPDATE?!?!?!?!?!
fresh haircut psycho. but im excited about the patch and you pronouced "deogen" correctly
Yasssssss. Can't wait to see you testing the new ghosts
Fresh cut, great video!
We've been saying "dee-oh-gen" (j sound) but you're probably right!
This looks sick
Deogen gonna be brutal in small houses with limited run space. xD
Can’t wait to experience the new ghosts!
Insym intro 😂😂 love it
Sounds fun
I'd like to think that the Thaye gets a year older every time you light a candle.
ive lit a Candle with another candle before but that was before CJ and Lavander was working on it
Has this update dropped yet?
I think they mean you can lit your bought candles with other bought candles but not the ones you find at the locations
if this is small, god help us if phasmo ever decides to release a medium sized update
duplication of pills makes this game less boring and sleepy, now we will have to walking the whole game with candles
I'm so bummed. This update comes out just when I've got my sister's wedding, I just can't even 😂 will still watch later, so hyped to see it all!
I'm so bummed. This update comes out just when I've got my sister's wedding, I just can't even 😂 will still watch later, so hyped to see it all!
looking great cant wait to play and watch you do ghost science on stream!
Insym, Psycho, and Nuzzgard uploading the new ghost type! It's a good day! Nice haircut.
Is this update out today?
the only thing im waiting is the new truck and the looping ghost to practice my looping against a revenant 😀
u and insym uploaded at the same time
did u get a recent haircut? if so looks goods. like the style on u
i bought the game yesterday
i was using win 8.1 so i was ligitmately just trying to find a fix for voice recognition
also i am belgian so a belgian ghost being added is nice
that timing of the update
as a Linux user, I definitely appreciate the new voice system!
We got the new Moroi ghost, seems it does some serious sanity drain, as I was around the same time in the ghost room as my friend, 0 ghost events, we went to the van, I had 75% sanity, he had 25%.
Gosh psycho you are a very cute guy gotta say. Thanks for all of the Phasmophobia content! You're a lot of fun to watch!!
The candle fix seems like you can now use the truck candles to light house candles, because you weren't able to before
lol Psycho! more lighters means more shenanigans! imagine, now they can just light the summoning circle and there's absolutely nothing u can do abt it … lol
Yo i cannot wait to investigate these ghosts only later to find out that i was wrong on many things once Psycho will drop a vid with the research
what is sunny meadows
Can't wait for a ghost that is affected by weather
Science is back!!!
Finally it is possible to play in Linux (and Steam Deck) with the new voice recognition
The truck looks amazing. I’ve seen the Deogen on Insym’s stream and it’s hilarious.
nice with all of that insurance money we finally manage to buy a new truck XD
How to make easy Phasmo video?
Read patchnotes