Turns out I am actually bad at this game lmao
I stream every day live at 19:00 (7PM) CEST over on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Challenge rules:
Nothing that uses a “battery” is allowed. This means that the only evidence tools you can use are the book and the glowstick. We did allow usage of the houselights for vidibility, technically these do not use batteries after all
Explanation & Setup: 00:00
Finding the room: 4:40
Finding clues: 9:35
SPOILERS READ AFTER WATCHING (Or if you don't mind spoilers)
Alright I might actually be bad at the game lmao
Did you guess the ghost correct? I would love to know if you all are still interested in me failing challenges if the video does contain several teaching points? If not I'll stick to successful runs. Personally I feel like it doesn't really matter as long as the video is educational. Have a lovely day everyone <3
lmfao oookkk that was clearly such have been a revenant but wow, i wish i could play the game but i cant due to money problems, i wouldnt mind helping you out due to your videos that you post i been studying and learned so much that people like markiplyers and jack and what not i noticed key patterns that if i was only to watch them and not yours, i would been misleaded XD, glad to know that a spirit is stupidly fast if you dont watch it XD
i used with my firends in some rounds nothing, just a candle. We wanted to get the ghost without any "tricks" just by the behaivor of the ghost and we got him sometimes. Way more fun to play
is it possible to summarize what happened to reach your conclusion towards the end? Some vids I am left hanging on how you came up with your guess. I'm here for overall understanding the game more.
One month later…
No equipment run!!!
19:55 – I wonder if the speed of the steps can tell you if it’s revenant. Those steps definitely seemed fast. So yeah, seems like revenant.
Shit. Was wrong again.
It would be cool if they made a mode that took place in like the 70s and all the equipment was from the era
20:10 The LOUDEST foot steps EVER
I was told that an Ouija board has batteries as well, 'cus how do you explain it lighting up otherwise
Do love the challenge though
The more videos I see of you… the higher level you get… I know natural progressi9n and all… but you know… don't you ever wanna slow down?
Ghosts: I fear no men… but that… thing….
points to the candle on top of a tripod
… it scares me.
Great Gameplay, Insym.
I’m so glad I got to be there live, love the stream
After watching igp and icycaress play i wanted to play. Thought after watching some gameplay it would knock the chicken out of me. I get into the game and couldnt even pass the tutorial that i attempted 5 times.
Stuck to being a viewer of the game until my girl and i play together.
Great vids!
Well actually lights run because they are connected to powerplants. Powerplants run off of batteries. Sure they run off of fossil fuels, but for the intial startup, or after a shutdown, they have to be restarted, which uses battery power, and they can also run off the batteries exclusively for a few hours. The more you know.
nice vid <3
Literally just drops the candle for a teddy bear

7 David's disliked this video.
i thought it was freezing temps at 16:46…. what was that?
"what do I really need a tripod for"… I'm guessing this was played before the tripod strat
Spirits often walk faster when you're on low sanity, something I noticed playing with friends and this is what makes it hard to tell whether it's a spirit or a revenant.
So with revenants, if you break LoS they basically stop moving completely. The journal says that they move slowly when you hide. They become almost completely still. You could have discerned that it was a spirit when you could still hear it walking around after you hid. I've seen one hunting from outside the house. It went after the two people still inside and it just stood on the stairs after they turned the corner into another room.
@Insym – I agree the ghost was moving fast, but isn't Rev supposed to slow down AS SOON there is no line-of-sight of the player he chase? If yes, that ghost totally sprinted after you hid in that room. Just pointing that out.
I had an idea for a challenge, as sort of a harder version of this; would a "no modern technology" challenge be interesting? It'd be like this, but no glowsticks or lights allowed
Hi Insym!