No Sanity Thief Simulator on Willow Street House! – Phasmophobia [LVL 4800]

Thief simulator is a challenge where you start at 0% sanity without items. You have to go into the house and steal valuable items to unlock random tools that will help you find the ghost. This is a really fun Phasmophobia challenge and I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.29.6


22 thoughts on “No Sanity Thief Simulator on Willow Street House! – Phasmophobia [LVL 4800]”

  1. A Banshee killed me behind that chair just the other day… I smudged it out in the hall, then ran straight to the chair, no sound. It walked in a little after the smudge wore off, after I was already hiding and BAM, dead.

  2. A fun game mode that I played with my friends and you could play with your friends is the hide and seek inside the haunted houses.

    1- It is decided which player will search for the players, this player waits outside inside the truck without looking at the cameras, until all players have hidden in the house.

    2- Each player inside the house who found a place to hide must notify him by radio. The player who will seek for the other players must only enter the house when everyone is hidden.

    3- Each player that is found immediately heads out of the house and waits outside until the last player is found. A player found must not influence the game, it must not help the player find other players.

    4- The first player to be found is the player who will have to search for the other players hidden inside the house later when the game restarts.

    5- The game only restarts when the last player alive is found, or when the player who was looking for the players dies, in which case the game must be restarted immediately, and the player who was found first must look for other players, or if no players were found, all players must come out of their hiding place, go out of the house, decide who will look for the players and restart a new game.

    6- The game of hide and seek ends when there is only one winner left, the player who survives.


    During hunting, the game doesn't stop. If the player looking for another player finds him, that player counts as found and after the hunt if he survives he will have to wait outside the house while other players are found.

    Hidden players can change places at any time while the player is looking, and can use other means to distract the looking player, such as throwing objects, turning on the TV…

    Hidden players obviously avoid turning on their flashlight while being hunted.

    The game can be more fun if the house has all the lights off and the player looking to use only a candle instead of Flaslights to look for the hidden players, in this case it's good to always take a lighter in case the candle goes out

    I played with my friends at Edgefield Street House, because it's an average house on two floors, always prefer medium houses instead of small ones, I don't advise doing this challenge on very big maps like Asylum and School.

    I hope you have fun

  3. Those first double doors at Willow are also safe from the ghost, meaning it can't see you through them. Our team of four stood behind those doors and watched as the ghost searched for us in the kitchen and garage🤣

  4. I always hope that one day there'll be a buff for the IR sensor. It's almost literally useless. If it had a further activation range and lit up like double radius of what it does, it'd make for a nice light alternative. 😮

  5. "If you're curious this is my money"
    Proceeds to block money with end card
    Youtube will never know lol Great vid, enjoyed the challenge! Can't believe you got cucked by 1 exp point, haha!

  6. Maybe as a harder challenge, in a bigger map with just only ONE item per one electronic item(or other type of stuff like plushies and voodo "plushies" xD) and not like the full item type of your truck. So you got on teddy in your truck, you get like only one candle and not all of them. Maybe would be cool too 😀 – or like in the prison, for every soup you "pick up" xD you roll one item type haha

    Btw I found like "mods" in the internet for phasmo.. stuff like other textures or sound(sadly DK change the stuff with every update, so it seems like it would be not this easy to update every time.. but with own special sounds or textures, could be funny aswell! :D)


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