Really? A Deo Got Me?!?! – Phasmophobia Stream
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Skizz VODS getting me through dengue
You can blame me. I asked what was in the fridge, and it tossed the plate at me. Sorry. I thought you were allowed to make a sandwich. You can blame me for that fail.
Caught that Temple of Doom reference when you had the voodoo doll
1:15:35 My first you yo from skizz for my 21st birthday! An amazing gift after a freat day. I have been waiting for this moment for months😂.Thank you!
Skizz, you sounded like a clown it was funny
Doubt you will see this but every time you bump your desk or set your cup down you can hear it with headphones in it makes a deep thud. Not a big issue. Love the vods😊
You can light the lantern while it's in your hand by right-clicking and then just set it down. 😊
Skizz, thank you so much! Because of your phasmo content I've bought the game and managed to convince my friends to buy it as well and it's soo good. Thanks for the great content! 😊
I don't get to catch your streams ever anymore but I am here for the vods every time. just wanted to say congrats on being fulltime now. much love! sons birthday is on the 8th a "you yoh" in the vod for "master-cranklin" turning 8 who loves watching vods with me would be appreciated!
"I coulda said football" is my new favorite freudien skizz
8:12 Badminton the sport or Badminton the three day equestrian event. The more badass sport.
guess the build incoming???😮
When you were saying badminton you and Impulse were really focused on the mint part like it was bad mint on when its actually bad min ton…..see not a stupid word just miss pronounced
Because of you guys I've started playing phasmophobia and I'm really enjoying it and I've made a few friends one it that I play with all the time now thank you skiz, impulse, gem, grian and scar
Dumb question: what determines how many of the van TVs work? Sometimes it’s 3 and sometimes it’s 2. Why?
I can’t wait for my skizz plushie!
I saw the title and im just like "isnt that normal? hes died most times tryna juke it" So yanno, excited to see that round :3
Did anyone else's Siri go off at 1:32:42 ??
Caught half live yesterday. Always a joy
Adult problem. Hear Skizz say "Turning 26, ah your at a great age." Start thinking, wait. . . how old am I this year? 35 . . . no I'll be 34. Adulting = Forgetting how old you are.
Why is it always the same house?!
Lmao!!! You could not have scripted that any better!! That was hilarious.😂😂😂
1:22:23 That was so funny! You did call it!
You need an "undo" spot to throw the clipboard, so the living know that something is incorrect.
On a scale from "Homie" to "Buddy," how likely do we think it's a Deo?
Like I get the whole it needs to teach better but I don’t think it should even just be handed on top screen. Like after general journal improvement, they would hint in maps or with extra spawnaboe items/papers. Kinda like the monkey paw questions.
Because figuring out lil tidbits is one of the fun parts community wise for updates
2:21:18 Did I live? I lived! Uh oh… dies
1:11:33 I cannot wait to see what color of giraffe Skizz built 😂 Guess that Build is going to be great!
Watched Fifth Element last night after watching the first half of this stream. Still a great movie!
Be smart about it, Skiz, if you keep taking your flashlight and camera with you back to the truck, it's no surprise you can only bring in one new item. You can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. I see you scrolling through your items in the truck, wondering what it is that's filling up your inventory, and then complaining about not having enough inventory space. Just drop your stuff inside if the stuff is needed in the house. If you drop your stuff you can bring in three items at once, and then there's also less need to complain about not being able to run for very long too, because you don't have to make the trip very often.
The doors have different places you need to center for photos on different maps. Generally it's where the handprints would be if it's UV. On the farm houses it's higher up on the door, not the doorknob.
2:49:51 no impy, the picture didn't have no stars because the ghost just disappeared, it was because Skizz already took a ghost photo, and you don't get more than one. The ghost was in the picture.
That's great to hear about the plushie! I ordered one of yours and one of Impy's…super glad he did the rerelease, I'm a fairly new HC fan and wasn't here for anyone else's original releases of official plushies. And I didn't want to get just yours and have him be all by himself.
On the last game, Skizz sacrifices himself to his granny's ghost. Talk about a loving hug from a dead loved one going horribly wrong.