We Used Advanced Tactics to Identify This Phasmophobia Ghost in Phasmophobia Gameplay with @DarkmodeOB and @Camodo2nd . Today in Phasmophobia, we put the difficulty up to max, which is called apocalypse. We have to investigate the house, find the ghost and escape before it hunts! Will Dark OB be able to escape in phasmophobia?
About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
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Welcome to Dark OB, @BeautifulOB second channel. If you’re a fan of spine-chilling experiences and thrilling adventures, make sure to like, subscribe, and also check out the main channel, Beautiful OB, for more content. Thanks for your continued support!
#beautifulob #darkob #phasmophobia
0:00 OB's face is a jump scare
Hi OB, I love your phasmo videos. I watch both your and Camodo’s side of the video.
hi ob you are so cool
Hey ob can you play the resident evil 4 remake?
like the video or i get angy >:(
Let’s go only 2 people said first it’s getting better
Also why is “elderly victim” so common for the spirit box?
Hello dark ob
If be more scared of you runing around my house and knocking over things and opening doors than a ghost
That was a scary video 😨
Jazzy Johnson and Ellen the twins,that was hilarious and I said the same thing just for it to be twins 😂 so great 💚
Ob always a good day when posting. And fire horses what the.
Can you pin me please
Ive been doing very good trust me ob ive just been bored cuz ive been up since 8.00 waiting for someone to post content
These horror games give me the creeps
Can you please pin me ob it would make my day
how am i today? i am in spain, but without the s
Ob has the best videos but on your Main channel my favourite thing to watch is stormworks with spy please bring it back❤
This game is getting better every time and so is ob’s thunbnails
Good have a good day OB I love your chanl
Haha! Watching this on the large screen TV and had a massive OB staring at me when it started! Scarier than the ghosts 😉😅. Great vid as always 👍
Ob you need to try GTA 5 RP or MWIII
1:01 I’m doing alright, it’s my birthday!🎉
Im doing every well ob and comodo
I’m good I’m also living the high life 😂😂🎉
hi ob good job today
In the house willo im pretty sure it is the ghost cant see you behind the two doors in the front
The ghost had enough of OB and Camodo winning all the time and the ghost decided to trick OB and Camodo.
You are so cooooooooooooooooool😊
Same here
i love ur phasmaphobia vids! also plz comment
instead of calling it that call it he double hocky sticks and plus im haveing a good day
Fun fact ob, to test if it is still hunting try to flip a light switch. If it doesn't flip it is still hunting if it does then it's done
Hey ob try saying he double hockey sticks
As a Holly. I very much loved the first hunt. 😂
Hi ob love ur videos but are you gonna play Hogwarts legacy I have been asking 4 weeks
OB try out phasmo myths!
Here are some down below:
1. Swearing at the Ghost makes it angry and hunts more often (Not recommended).
2. Higher EMF means imminent danger.
3. Leaving Sprit Box on lowers sanity.
4. Holding a crucifix stops the ghost from hunting.
5. Ghost with EMF 5 evidence with show on the EMF reader during hunts.
That's just a few of them maybe it could be a good video idea.
If you get one photo labeled ghost, you won't get a second, even if the ghost is clearly visible. That's why Comodo's pic had the ghost but wasn't labeled.
Could you guys do more hunts in the cabins? Those ones are more exciting/scary in my opinion.
Hi Bo my door is open get it 😮😢
Can you play caught on camera again
You can say hell if you’re referring to the Bible