I want to be haunted by charlie, that sounds fun. Hearing his screams down my hall, I think it would make me fall to my knees laughing before I was scared. He would come closer saying his many funny lines that are all meant to scare, taunt, and threaten me, however I would not pay attention to the meaning behind these words and continue to laugh. He would eventually do his funny scream in my face and my heart would fail because it is a jump scare, mixed with the immense laughter and fear at the very end. This would be a fun experience.
this is the greatest scare of All Time
Surprised he didn't chase them yelling "Get away from me! Gah why you chasing me! Gah stop it! Get back here so you can get away from me!"
charlie nextbot
this is the greatest ghost callout of All Time
Fucking amazing lmao
Charlie talked so much about the bogieman he became him
What led to Charlie being a ghost? He was very scary in this one, can’t wait to see where Dark Charlie’s arc goes
Charlie after receiving death row for a crime Black Shirt Charlie did.
I want to be haunted by charlie, that sounds fun. Hearing his screams down my hall, I think it would make me fall to my knees laughing before I was scared. He would come closer saying his many funny lines that are all meant to scare, taunt, and threaten me, however I would not pay attention to the meaning behind these words and continue to laugh. He would eventually do his funny scream in my face and my heart would fail because it is a jump scare, mixed with the immense laughter and fear at the very end. This would be a fun experience.
Im surprised he didnt do the "BOOOH did I scare you?"