Ever watch Ghost Hunters, TAPS, America’s Most Haunted, Grave Encounters or any other ghost hunting show/movie? If you ever wanted to become a ghost hunter, now is your chance! Investigate various locations, with or without friends, and use your ghost hunting gadgets to discover what entity it is you are hunting… or what entity is hunting you.
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Keep up the great vids 👍
I legit thought that the thumbnail was a default Windows wallpaper at 1st.
Poor ghost can't even jump across furniture.. Definitely needs more practice being a ghost
Closets no longer safe anymore?? I can get behind that!
Another great video pumpkin pie!!
You should check out the game wick
Oh geez public is full of kids
Nice video keep up the good work👍
I love playing with scared people. Not revenant? No PROB
"That was a good group." Clearly your definition of "good" and mine do not match, sir. 🙂
I've only played with randoms a couple of times, but there were a few memorable amusing games throughout those few times.
I have had games were I could not the ghost photo to count.
I love this group, it's so chaotic
Dude I am not kidding when I say that I watched your at dead of night play through and stayed for your voice. I may be new but I'm staying for the long run.
21:44 thats ninja move, both of you 😂😂
Carol was hacking!
Man that kid was loud
Aw my friend bonappetite was there in the lobby list 😊
LilFukNugget. Clearly a wordsmith, that one.
"We are going to have someone die in Tanglewood, is not going to be me obviously" that was karma
You're becoming my favorite horror game youtuber
Sweet, Venttex you played with my friend Nugget! Her and I always play together
Hey, my friend MBS195 showed me this video. I am LilFukNugget. I made those kids go in there after you died for the sole fact that they were staying in the truck chatting the entire time 😂😂😂