Welcome to Phasmophobia! We’re ghost hunters now. We’re tasked with learning about what kind of paranormal activity is haunting up a building. This game features proximity chat and best of all, voice recognition. So the spirit we’re trying to talk to will actually know when we’re asking a question or saying its name which make the game extra spooky. This is such a unique game, I love it. Enjoy! This was streamed on my Twitch channel, so be sure to follow me over there if you want to catch me live! http://www.twitch.tv/zeroyalviking
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Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
#ZeRoyalViking #Phasmophobia
I am so ready for this, Ze I’m ready to see you scream lol
bro so excited to see this video i watch a lot of platty and jeremy play this!
I'd love to see a good Phasmo. After all the Jeremy/Platy sessions I'm hooked.
Yesss! I'm ready for this chaos ❤
Probably a dumb question. What is that count down and chair on the bottom left of Ze's face cam?
Who remembers who Ze played toribash?
I knew you were gonna play horror games! 🤩
Hell yeah, Phasmo.
2 min in "sacrafices wont be made"
me who saw the stream: HA!
Jeremy, platy, AND ze maybe? ive been hooked watching them play. would be cool to see a 3rd join their group
It's like high def among us!
Phasmo fun! The only horror game I really enjoy 😀 (And found thanks to your channel! I'm just a scaredy cat at heart, but the puzzle aspect of this is great!) A few notes to hopefully help:
– When doing Nightmare mode, don't cross out any evidence, because you can only find 2 evidences which means 1 will be hidden. Cross out specific ghosts instead.
– The ghost doesn't start the hunt for 2 seconds after appearing in Nightmare mode (the grace period). You can take a second to locate your hiding spot before turning off your flashlight. It will help when you're in a dark room instead of trying to navigate in the complete darkness. Just be ready to toggle off the light once you've oriented yourself and before you get in the hiding spot. Alternatively, head to a different hiding spot if you're in the room with both the ghost and the hiding spot. You can also customize the grace period to be longer if you're having trouble getting into hiding spots at the beginning of the hunts.
– All ghosts can do events and touch objects and the more insane you are, the more aggressive most ghosts become. Behaviour helps but doesn't guarantee. For example: a Shade can be aggressive and a Demon can be passive. BUT a Shade should never hunt when you're in the room with it (it would have to roam to a different room first and start the hunt from there) and only a Demon (or a Mimic mimicking Demon) can hunt the moment you walk into the map for the first time (when you have 100% sanity).
– Shenanigans are fun! After you guys get the hang of playing the game again, I hope you play around with more of the cursed possessions. Would love to see some Tarot Roullette (taking turns drawing Tarot Cards) and using the Monkey Paw 😀
"Play Dark Souls 3"
Platy got to you, too, huh?
Ze, I can't watch this game because of health issues with first player games with "realistic movement", but i came to watch it in the background on mute and give you a thumbs up to support your journey.
You getting the Ghost right was so HYPE!
Wtf is this fake ass info Platy is giving you. You do not have to be alone for spirit box nor do you have to have your flashlight off lmao
I'm so excited!
FINALLY!!! Figured you would enjoy the phasmo stuff with platy!
I am confused. Now I know how Junk feels
Pasta: "who shidded and farted?"
Me after literally just farting…😳
It's amazingly fun to watch new players who haven't looked up anything.
How much did you have to pay Platy to get him to do 4 person Phasmo
I love Phasmophobia 👍
ZeRoyal Spooky Sundays. I love it.
More Phasmophobia and Dementophobia please. I live for the skin crawling thrills and chills.
Yes! Plasmo with Platy!
Welcome back to Phas, Ze
Been looking forward to this for so long
"We're gonna run into the house, and-" "We?" I mean, splitting up and looking for clues IS how you get picked off in a horror movie, right?
I love your phasmo content. I remember the one where the ghost went straight for you in the bathroom. That was hilarious.
"Do you like the backstreet boys?"
now they need to assemble 4 pro phasmo group and do the speed run and see if they can beat their 2 man record or not lol…
I really enjoyed this video, would love to see some more
Honestly I wanna hear him scream so I’d like to see him play demonologist 🫠🫠 maybe he’ll get the Ghost that gets hella mad when you curse at it
It's such a treat to see Ze out of Substitute Zeacher mode and instead being taught by Platy-senpai! Ze, Em, and Pasta were eager students and Platy proved to be an excellent teacher! Sure, there might have been a few deaths here or there, but eventually you all seemed to get the hang of it and even guessed a ghost correctly! I'm sure your senpai was very proud of you all, and hopefully there will be even more tutoring sessions with this awesome group!
What a reassuring start
Ze: "Platy am I gonna poop my pants"?
Platy: Hopefully not