In this Phasmophobia Demon Guide I am going to give you a complete overview of this ghost so you can easily identify it without evidence.
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hey guys, today i will tell you, the demon isn't real. you are just bad at the game. stop dying.
My friends and I have been playing zero evidence exclusively and these deep dives are really useful.
I had a no evidence run that ended up being a boring Shade, only for the very next game to be a Demon hunt at 100%. The duality of ghosts 😂 Great video Psycho!! Can't wait for the rest!
Does the statement about it being more chill around crucifixes hold any weight? I had a super chill demon after placing crucifixes in its room early and didn’t chomp on them until about 50% sanity.
Or it could have just been a chill demon.
That boi Psycho know all the info
About the smudge and hunt cooldowns, even though the Demon is capable of hunting again sooner than other ghosts, it's not commonly the case that it will do it.
Another thing to consider is when Demons go out of their way to be less obvious. Such Demons are rare, but I had one that refused to hunt me until I was at zero sanity. It really did act like a Shade but then I came back into the house with 50% sanity and it immediately hunted again. So the more obvious Demons are some of the most dangerous ghosts in the game, while the less obvious ones can be some of the harder ghosts to identify with lack of primary evidence.
i was playing with friends and was hunted by a demon at 99% Sanity less then 5 sec from entering the house.
thought one of us used the cursed item but nope still there.
1:20 trying to open doors whilst dead, potato level genius
**Previously on phasmophobia 2022:** "my weakness is literally my Self!!!"
**Now at 2023:** "I'm just banshee copycat without actually copying?"
I didn't realize the Crucifix cooldown was different than the hunt cooldown. Thanks for dropping that little tidbit!
Yeah i hate 300IQ demons. Today i played against a demon that started hunts after 90 seconds, not even once started hunt earlier. Demon's behaviour needs a fix. Afterall demon should be most aggressive ghost in the game.
To be fair, technically its four ghosts to hunt this early because the mimic could copy one of the other three. Bye the way: Didn't the mare have a early hunt ability similar to the yokai as well?
Am I the only one who gets the early hunt nearly any time I encounter a demon?
Not sure if this is rude, but may I request a vid about the Yurei? I feel like ever since the Apocalypse update they rarely do the delayed door close thingy. I keep not finding Yureis.
Thanks in advance either way!
Kind of unrelated but I think that whole visible radius on the crucifex is an unneeded feature, to be frank.
You always do such a great job! Thank you 🙂
Such an awesome Video. Thanks
At @1:35 I was going to say "what about the Mare and Raiju" but of course, you said SEVENTY percent, not Fifty. 😅
It would be nice a guide for the Onryo, i still do not understand how the candle works.
They blow up when they stop a ghost hunt like the crucifixes, and it is suppose a ghost attack when they blow up a candle… but i have 4 candles in a room and the ghost keeps blowing then and no hunt starts in 20 minutes…
I thought the highest is thaye.
I’ve experienced the demon hunting me at 100% thrice now, and it is terrifying. You walk into the location, and you’re just insta-hunted
It seems that lately the demon hunts early quicker than before.
It’s recently hunted at above 90 sanity.
They should add the horns in the game, looks sick!
As a veteran I learnt something new. Thanks
Nice video
nice video man.
I have a question,is yurei bugged at the moment?
his ability seems to open doors instead of closing them,had a few games with a yurei and not a single door got slammed.
Instead they open all the way,which suprisingly drained sanity and counted towards "abilities used"
Is anyone experiencing this as well or am i just being trolled by yurei's
1:20 Every phasmo player tried to open a locked door when dead at least once.. :> Nice video!
You die 2 min in the game = Demon GG
banger song
Soon it will become Stephobia – try to guess from step sounds which ghost it is and when it will start stepping! 😉
Does the Ouija trick for demons still work?
thanks psycho!
The Demon is one my top deaths, I've had so many different interactions with a demon. I'm still learning, is there any adjustments to the hunt depending to how the ghost prefers to be contacted? like if the ghost likes contacting a group of people is there a chance of less probability to hunt? and vice verse
Demon + big map + 4 players = 💀
Funfact: If a Demon is in the Edgefield garage and tries to hunt, the crucifixes in the van can prevent the hunt.
I went against two Demon's that didn't do shit, They don't exist and I refuse to believe that bullshiz
I have the worst luck with demons. I've had 2 demon encounters. First time, i was playing on the starter house, walked in, and the door immediately closed… it was a hallway ghost so I was trapped and immediately died. The entire match lasted all of 3 seconds. Seconds time, I had enough time to find the ghost room. What I wasn't counting on was me to basically be standing on top of the ghost when it used it's ability, so basically instant death.