Phasmophobia | How to use VOODOO DOLLS

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10 thoughts on “Phasmophobia | How to use VOODOO DOLLS”

  1. I use the voodoo doll a lot, and have done at least 30 rounds with using it. I always grab it straight away and using it at the start of the round. I’ve found that it often leads me to the bone first, then leads me to the ghost room. It is a bit buggy when these two locations are on a different floor to you. I have found it to be a bit inconsistent, all in all though it has worked for me more times than it hasn’t. I can anger the ghost and drop your sanity really quickly while using it. Since I started using it the farmhouse hunts have been a lot more entertaining. I would say it’s worth it, only if you have some brave souls with you in the lobby.

    Edit: I’m not quite sure it still does this. It seems to be nurphed now.


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