Phasmophobia in VR is great… except when you are alone. This video is not a funny moments compilation of me actually enjoying Phasmophobia. This video is an update on my mental status after playing Phasmophobia alone in VR. Like I said in the video, if you enjoyed this, please do not let me know. If I have to play Phasmophobia solo again, it will only get worse. I know this is not my usual style of video, I enjoy editing a bit more. Next upload will be filled to the brim with juicy editing. It will be leaking editing fluid by the time I’m done with it, I promise. But for now, I hope you enjoyed me sharing my suffering with you. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach that I will be playing Phasmophobia single player mode again… but maybe not. Thank you for watching, thank you for liking and subscribing (I say that because if you’re involved enough to read my video descriptions you probably like my videos and are subscribed) and I will see you again very soon. Happy Halloween!
Music Credits:
Riviera by Smith The Mister
Smith The Mister
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
There's a section of this video that I take exception to.
i watched the intro three times it’s fucking hilarious 😂
Can we discuss how stupid the ghost box is? It’s literally just cycling through FM radio channels and letting your brain determine what is says.
Nice upload man, that game is the best at freaking people out lol
That intro was brilliant lmao
Your my favorite vr youtube
"not nearly as scary in the video" but im over here shivering and shit
I found this game less scary in vr than flatscreen
Just watching videos, I can't figure out what the objective in this game is. Is it just to figure out what type of ghost it is? Because everyone seems to do that in like 10 seconds, then wander around for a few more minutes trying to piss it off, before just up and leaving when they get bored of that.
Wait what show was that in the beginning?
its about right here 9:58 where pants became shidded
As someone who's opted into exclusively playing this game in vr over the last year, the 1 extra item slot isn't worth the price of a broken mic and monitor…
Do it again!
put this much time into getting poon
I would like to see an update to this video, check out the updates the studio implemented.
Lets play together
lol if you thought phasmo was scary in 2020, wait till you play it now
Nope, not a baby… On my video, I don't last 30 seconds. And scream. Embarrassingly…
I eat a lot of spicy food, yeah? Zaxby's hottest is "Insane" sauce. Playing horror games and watching horror movies irl vs. VR, is like eating Taco Bell diablo sauce, looking at Zaxby's insane sdauce, and going "I could handle that."
By far the BEST way to play Phasmophobia
I played in VR "alone" while a friend was watching… but yeah, its scary!
Hello there.
na man this seems terrifying
It pisses me off that it isn't on quest 2
lmfao i tried solo as well…had the same reaction and left at a similar time into it
So I was in my first game in phasmophobia not knowing how any of it worked, The lights in the kitchen start flickering, Im like HA I CAN DO THE SAME WITH MY FLASHLIGHT..and proceed to bully the ghost, look away for half a second, look again, GHOST IS THERE…. I have never removed my VR headset in such a hurry with a loud scream…. I have not played again… 10/10
Habie is so underrated he needs more attention.
Bro Phasmo is terrifying in solo for PC, and horrific in VR even WITH ppl. You a brave man, habie. You a brave, brave man
One of those guys at the start is Habie by the way
That intro was top tier shit-posting.
Props to you.
I'm just glad her name wasn't Alexa.
Phasmaphobia VR is scary in the menu lol. Furthest i've made it solo is a once over of the street house.
Happy really really really late Halloween lol
thumbs up for that epic intro
Bro Phasmophobia in VR brought the deepest instinctual fear out of me. I'm already terrified of possible things lurking in the darkness in real life but when there actually IS something lurking around?
I quit the game so damn fast when I walked into a house and saw it with the lights off. Hell no. It already kinda freaks me out sitting in the dark waiting for a response in the spirit box but in VR? HELL NO!
It was a little better with friends who were also in VR to cushion the fear.
I need more.
I tried this once in VR and turned it off – nope, fuck this game lol
Bro… Having played Phasmo by myself… even watching this video fucked me up. Spooky af
background music was trying REALLY hard to be RJD2 Ghostwriter w/o being ghostwriter
If you made a lot of uncut phasmo footage, I'd watch the hell out of it.
Ponder this one, Does an ouija board need to be wood to actually work? I ain't going to find out lol
i just love seeing hillbillies be stupid xD
Found the song for the intro.! Its called "Lost and Found"
I just realized how possible it is for habie to get 1 million subscribers
phasmaphobia is a million times scarier in vr
Dude I've been binge watching your videos lately and I can't get enough. Great content 💯