edited by Gure
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The photo of the sink was dirty because her water broke and no shit she would’ve been pissed
Question, is that quebec? like ZF quebec? his voice sounds similar
Funny that he doesn't know the symbol for brimstone. Also known as the leviathan cross
"with all that saiyan shit"
what is the ghost going to go super saiyan?
Twitch chat is so stupid
This whole video is about a bunch of amutures arguing over one another
Does he have twitch or not
thats the symbol for sulfur in alchemy
appreciate the jerma Rats Rats we are the Rats reference at the beginning ok
2:19 alright ill drop the crucifics right here 2:21 UH…DORIME XD
I like watching people who know what they are doing
ghoost huntr.
16:46 If I recall well enough that symbol on the left stands for sulfur (when old symbols in chemistry were used) and hell
anyone else see the little black thing on the computer screen move at 7:00
As a Canadian, hearing someone say ‘3 Celsius is Fucking COLD’ really hurts. That’s not even freezing lmao, my igloo is at a constant -20 and I couldn’t be warmer!
> 🙁
I fuckin hate when I have pussy friends that just shut down when the shit goes down or don’t do what is needed so the crucifix part really fucked with me
Although I kinda understand
thats the symbol of 'brimstone' basically the expression referring to God's wrath found in both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament
3 degrees is 3 far from zero and zero i ice friendly temperature
I just love that the start they just do nothing just throw stuff.
2:33 BRAZILIAN FUNK. já era pae, invadi, não resisti à esse chamado
they look like they're so afraid to throw the ball as if they didn't secure the control wristbands to their arm lol.
7:20 Is that Fuzhou?
the symbol you're talking about has something to do with brimstone
cage the elephant is fucking amazing
"It's either a spirit or a revenant"
I like the amnesia music
Is it just me or is that a black hand in the window? 2:09
In all honesty to prevent a hint via crucifix the ghost will appear in front of the entire team and won’t kill anybody lights will flash but once the crucifix is gone u know u prevented the hunt
Jfj is stopid even if the crucifix is down It can still hunt but if the ghost got close to the crucifix it will stop the hunt and the crucifix will not work again
Comment if it's wrong ok😊😊
isnt that the leviathan cross?
Watching them struggle to understand the crucifix caused me to age by 50 years.
7 months late 🤡😃😃👹
is that star_
2:09 how did JFJ not see the hand in the window
Ah celtic the most satanic of them all
Ah, the times when everyone was still bad at the game and would kick you for touching the ouija board or saying the ghosts name
Now they kick you because they can’t see the giant button that says ,,create PRIVATE lobby”
Ghost Facers
I feel bad I don’t think that they knew that a certain type of ghost can’t have their picture taken