Phasmophobia – NEW PRISON MAP! Solo Professional

My first ever Solo Professional run on the new Prison map! Going in blind.
The Prison is currently only available on the Beta branch. I tried to show off as much of the new map as possible.

I stream on twitch!


36 thoughts on “Phasmophobia – NEW PRISON MAP! Solo Professional”

  1. For those asking, the Prison is currently only out on the Beta branch! Make sure to opt in on Steam. (Right click the game in your library —> Properties —> Beta tab —> Then choose the Beta from the dropdown box)

  2. Just a little tip for all, me and a friend of mine noticed this weekend that fingerprints on the Prison map is currently bugged (might be patched now, idk) but we found multiple fingerprints all over the map in every single room, and when we finished the game and started on a new one we got the same fingerprints again on the same doors, switches, windows etc, so just a reminder that atm fingerprints might not be as reliable og a clue than what it should be

  3. Just dropping a comment to let you know you're a great and seriously underrated youtuber! Been enjoying your videos a ton and it got me into buying the game. I convinced some of my friends and we've been scared doing even the smallest of beginner houses 🙂 We are still super scared but manage very well with all the tips you give. Keep it up 🙂

  4. Is it re~ally the scariest map yet? Most of them honestly look very nice, really the scariest thing about this game is whoever the hell designed the electricity in these places

  5. 23:05 I have seen that a couple times before. It's not something new but I still don't know what it is. I call it a "ghost bolt". It's like a bullet being shot out, rapidly moving in a straight line and through walls. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the ghosts location though. But then what does it mean?


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