What's This Creepy Sound?! | Phasmophobia #shorts

I’m used to a few bugs in Phasmophobia but once in a while, a bug turns out to make things a little creepier. My teammate and I were heading into this house in Edgefield when I heard this sound. I was completely alone in the house as he hadn’t entered yet. But what is it?

Well, I personally suspect it was his mic picking up background sound and for whatever reason, the game thought he was in the house. It seems to cut off when he entered the house so it must have picked up that he was entering the house at that point. But maybe it’s not… and maybe it’s just some weird creepy in the house sound? Maybe the ghost is a heavy breather? I dunno!

Remember, gaming should be fun!

#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame


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