Phasmophobia No Evidence Weekly Challenge! Phasmophobia Playthrough
Welcome To My Channel! I play all things phasmophobia and horror games. Please subscribe to the channel to stay up to date on phasmophobia releases as well as new and upcoming horror games.
If you are new to phasmophobia, I have several videos that can help!
New Player Full Playthrough:
New Player 101 Guide:
Nightmare Mode Guide:
I also stream on twitch four days a week:
Hi I’m first 😀
maybe i should try this for a video
I've gotten into your vids pretty recently and I can just say I love how authentic your videos can be. You're very informative on your thought process and it makes it helps me understand the game a little more as a beginner!!
20:25 i may partially doxx myself here but if you want to know my answer..
its 10..
(my irl name is william.. you aint getting anymore info)
Maybe show how to use the smudge cause new players might not know how it works.
This challenge is difficult. Also, me being someone who knows bare minimal about this game, it is awesome seeing how knowledgeable you are about every ghost.
I subscribed i would watch u live but i cant my stuff longed me out and i don't remember my password.
Is the laugh track on his stream or in the video edits?>
I need reminders for tests