Phasmophobia Possible Mic Fix… October 16, 2020 by Seccess Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn I forgot to mention that you need to restart your computer after downloading language packs! source
Thank you so much i watched like 20 videos and non of them worked, but your helped a lot thx, recomending to friends that have same problem :3 Reply
Thank you so mutch man, noen of the videos i have watched give me this advise, keep opp with your videos. from another Norwegian Reply
Still doesn't work for me :(((
Thank u it help me
I saw a lot of videos of this and this puts my game working thank man
Thank you so much i watched like 20 videos and non of them worked, but your helped a lot thx, recomending to friends that have same problem :3
Thank you so mutch man, noen of the videos i have watched give me this advise, keep opp with your videos. from another Norwegian
for me it stands grey out, how to fix?
Tusen takk man, nå kan jeg endelig snakke til ghost og spirit box