Phasmophobia Revenant Guide (DEEP DIVE)

In this Phasmophobia Revenant Guide I am going to give you a complete overview of this ghost so you can easily identify it without evidence.

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31 thoughts on “Phasmophobia Revenant Guide (DEEP DIVE)”

  1. I remember being on Asylum on the old patch (before journal & book update) and seeing a rev start on one end of the hallway and it managed to chase my ass all the way back to the entrance lol. I miss the old patch.

  2. I have come, once again, for my schmowtz you beautiful potato man of science!

    So, out of all of the ghosts, which would you say is your favorite of all time? And do you have any ideas for ghosts you might like to see the devs implement someday?

  3. No I don't think it's the king. There are at least four ghosts I would rate higher than the Revenant. At best it's like A or A+ tier because its weakness isn't as crippling as it used to be. But the fact remains that its still hopeless at slow speed when it cannot find anyone. Plus the fact that it can't do anything to hunt earlier than the 50% threshold, means it just misses the S-tier bracket of ghosts imho. It lacks that element of surprise that the more dangerous early-hunting ghosts possess. If the question was: do you think the Revenant is a top 5 ghost, I would say yes, but only just!

  4. They finally tuned the rev to perfection with this last update, It makes much more sens that it zooms to a known player location. The rev is a hunter. It should be terrifying.

  5. I got tricked by a Rev once on Tanglewood. It started to hunt, and I hid… It spawned pretty much right outside my closet. All I heard was slow footsteps as first one door, then the other, and I panicked because in that moment… I thought it was a Deo. So I smudged and ran to the kitchen, preparing to loop…

    Imagine my surprise when it stayed max speed the whole chase. I did not live, for I am not Psycho.

  6. I know you're going to make videos on most or all the ghost, but I think an Onryo deep dive would be amazing because I do get confused with the whole candles and how many candles and its weakness

  7. I wanted to share some experiences and musings that I've had about some ghost types since it looks like you're going to do a deep dive on all of them.

    Jinn: Watching your VODs, I noticed a lot of people asking about whether its ability gives EMF with the breaker broken. I did the three Apocalypse trophies in order as I wanted to savour the experience and both my 15x and 20x were Jinn's. I wasn't near the breaker so I sadly couldn't test but I do know two things 1. my sanity was not dropped as I was never hunted with over 40 minutes combined time in the ghost room holding a candle and 2. the stats page showed 0 abilities used. This doesn't necessarily mean it won't give EMF on the breaker though. It's possible that the ability just fails but still give EMF and is not recorded correctly in the stats (stats are buggy at the best of times). I've been thinking about testing it on tanglewood but it'd take hours and I'm a bit lazy….

    Shade: There is a niche circumstance on 24x that can easily identify a shade. I've had a shade that spent so much time in the courtyard corridor that I was able to stop it from hunting for nearly 20 minutes while being far from the ghost. Assuming CJ isn't lying about it not being a viable favourite room, I assume what was happening was that it had some of the smaller rooms surrounding the corridor as its favourite rooms and due to the small room size + max roaming it spent most of its time wandering the corridor. My 20x Jinn's also managed to make the courtyard corridor freezing as the favourite rooms were dairy store and food store.
    Conversely, having a shade in the small rooms surrounding the courtyard corridor is probably the only circumstance where a shade can be easily identified, purely due to the gigantic corridor that it is likely to spend a great deal of time in. It is also mind-numbingly boring as you really need multiple 5+ minute blocks without hunting to confirm its a shade.

    Yurei: I recently experienced something that I had read about, but thought it was only a myth. I had a yurei door touch (touch sound-> fast door movement from fully open to fully closed -> delayed door touch) with a ghost that wasn't a yurei (it was a polter). I was literally stunned as I watched it as I already knew it couldn't be a yurei from evidence I had collected. I'm not sure if this is just a coincidence of normal interactions but there was definitely only one touch sound that started the door closing and another after it had fully closed and no ghost event, exactly like a yurei. I was about two meters away from the door so it wasn't caused by character collision and I was looking directly at the door the throughout the entire animation (I was actually watching for ghost writing/ dots and the door happened to be behind them).
    I also recently had a yurei in a breaker room and I was thinking, I wonder if the yurei can move the breaker door with its ability… I think the answer is no as I don't think ghosts close it during ghost events, so the breaker doors probably count like locker doors. Still it was interesting to muse over a niche detail.
    but still give EMF

  8. I just watched Insym's Old Asylum video he did recently, and the old OG Revenant was so terrifying, but this gave me an idea, it would be so cool if u play on old patch and the original 12 ghosts, you could do a comparison video of the OG 12 ghosts, like with Revenant, you can show clip of old Revenant and list what it used to do, what's changed to now, and what have stayed the same etc, and do the same for other 11 ghosts, it would be a cool new series in the future perhaps! 😀


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