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Phasmophobia troll
Phasmophobia sound effect
Phasmophobia ghost sound
Phasmophobia sound effects
Phasmophobia fun
Phasmophobia soundboard
Phasmophobia begginer guide
Phasmophobia scary moments
Phasmophobia Death sound effect
Phasmophobia Ghost Death Sound effect
Phasmophobia Ghost death sound Board
Phasmophobia ghost attack sound effect
The bathroom after Jacksepticeye (Sean) leaves pewdiepie (Felix) behind for 3 seconds
kayako is here
Kayako Saeki entered the chat
Me and my friend are on FaceTime and whenever he leaves the room I hear this it’s mad creepy
The scariest part isn't the sound itself but the fact that it sounds so close to your hears. The game makes a good use of sound design to imply that loud = danger. ( the only other sounds this loud being the heartbeat and the ghost footstep )
My stress level increases whenever hearing this
The grudge and clickers shall ever haunt me so, and now this.
this sounds like burping after eating a hot ramen noodle that kicks your mouth
I heard this for the first time last night and Quit the game. I am weak.
One day I will be stronk.
But for now I am weak.
Heard this sound in my ear while playing. Immediate nope
b u r b
when you know its a shade and your friend pranks you and leaves you alone in the house
im gonna piss so many people off with this
After Drinking cola be like:
Reminds me of the Grudge.
when you're trying no flashlights challenge and breaker's off and you start hearing this and footsteps
When you play phasmophobia at 3 am and that sounds come up but not from your computer
say this in game it will be so funny
omg this is actually in game i thought it was my friends doing this sound everytime i heats it
Kinda sounds like the Grudge.
Audio of me choking on a Dorito piece
Play this over a soundboard when playing with your mates!
Sounds like the grudge
i have a soundboard and im going to use this when my friends play phasmophobia
When you hear the ghost start burping: Panik
You take your headset off: Kalm
You hear the ghost start burping again. Panik