Underpaid ghost hunters report in after a job at the world’s shadiest ghost hunting company.
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Starring Matt, Kyle, and Thomas
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Working at popeyes is slightly less dangerous then this job an pays you more money. Well thats what i assume im not American.
The vengeful spirit of a ghost hunter, come for his rightful life insurance.
Wow with Kyle being back and matt bding around so much these recent videos have been soooo good! And they are already usually excellent! Well done Doormonster
this is too good 😂
The bit about the boss knowing the truth reminds me of the old Papers Please sketch with the citation over the issuing city.
Kyle continues to prove to the world that he does not age. In fact I think he's aging backwards.
If you guys could go back to making funny homeless people videos or things that are actually interesting instead of just getting whatever the hell is two minute add is
You do have to hand it to the nonexistent exorcism team that has to reclassify and properly banish ghosts on the fly.
I'm spooked, I'm going back in the van.
Kyle is looking healthy. Good job taking care of yourself man!
A djinn? Stick him in a lamp and rub it!
I laughed
video was funny
love the way he says "like.. with proton packs?"
Damn, so lucky, got to become a Ghost type when he died.
Oh yeah, that's a one dirty, dirty sink right there.
I love the dirty sink gag. So well done
On point.
I love phasmophobia plz More videos and this is really funny
Phasmaphobia, other wise known as ghost hunting IRS.
Well if all we are doing is identifying, then surely they’ll make a sequel about bustin
You should just give him what he really wants
Pictures of spiderman
Long Hair Kyle is starting to interfere with our data. The beautiful curls do not match the data previously collected
Darcy was great at playing the sink!
Man pay would be so low
As always your Phasmophobia sketches are on point, nice one.
“Wait, spell that… D… E…”
Hank Schrader: “A”
Cue Breaking Bad theme
another fine graduate of Wossamotta U
The spookiest thing is kyles curly hair. Who is that man and why is he so young
A colab with Joel Haver would be pretty awesome. I don’t know if you guys have tried to reach out, but I would try DM-ing him and see if it possible.
The continuous ghostly adventure with Kyle still confused.
That glitching/phasing at the start makes sense now 🤣
So did Kyle get into the ghost hunting business after the events of Age old Secrets and Dasi Board?
algorithm comment
Great skit guys!
and i thought there is another team in charge of destroying the ghosts….lol
Kyle I think this is my second or third time telling you this but your hair looks amazing.
Freaking fantastic.
I think the reason you are told the ghost is wrong is cause a very upset exorcism team reports back that you sent them in with the wrong equipment
Ah, what a twist
Ha, distract from the truth by accidentally pointing out the ghost. The great endings keep coming.
It was my understanding that the reason you find out what the ghost is after leaving the property is because after you collect the evidence, they send in the exorcist teams.
Obviously, if you've mis-identified the ghost, they won't be happy with you, since different ghosts require different rituals to exorcise.