Ever watch Ghost Hunters, TAPS, America’s Most Haunted, Grave Encounters or any other ghost hunting show/movie? If you ever wanted to become a ghost hunter, now is your chance! Investigate various locations, with or without friends, and use your ghost hunting gadgets to discover what entity it is you are hunting… or what entity is hunting you.
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Sanity, Michael Savage, Arcturus, Mantha21, Azrael, Beans, DeeTower, thrillofthefright, Kobold Keesh, Stephanie, Vivianwinter, TotallyNotRenee, Robert Stewart, CandyCadette, Renee Anderson, StormBladez90, Rhoannon Mitchell, Mika, Jacob Webb, Safton, M Kranch, Cursy Smurf Erica, Heater Croy, Zachary W, Kira Smite, Lana Albert, Samantha Shobe, Sean Riddle, Gina Marie, TheFox, Shadaia, Nina Toll, SoggySocks, SpaceCorgi, SonjaFitzy, Steven Lopez, Inayah, TheMedlow, Kaila Deweerd, GoldenNebula, Arya, Evangsea, Megg, Mat Veloso, Taerk, Mightking, Jonathan McClendon, DizzyMich, El, SvtSparkleParty, Lance roper, Coffeene, Bactathefuture, Maisha, DabCity, Tsundere, Windisprite, [Redacted], LordNewtonium, Albc5023, Stylzgottrix, SneakyKittens, Jennifer Moyer, and Megatraven.
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PAT – $100
Should try warheads, that’s really give ya a kick
Yay my little sour handsome 😘
My mouth started to water. 💧
Ok, time to really up the ante! Maybe eat a tarantula next? The nasty Jelly Bellies?
I'm currently staying up for no reason drawing baby Yoda for my dad for Christmas since that's our bond when we watch the mandolorian
Sourness and heat: Haha! No one can stop us.
Venttex: I am about to end these men's careers.
6:11 I never noticed the Canadian flag before!
Ooh, maybe do the Jelly Belly BeanBoozled next time. There are some nasty flavors in that.
Loved the Stay Puff Marshmellow man shirt. 👕
Watching your vids have become a night routine for me. Before I sleep I watch one of your vids. Love them so much!
wow, there he is!
Next time try with fish paste or century eggs for the rotten aroma 😀
You did that without drooling! What a boss! Merry Christmas to all of you!
You may want to check your tongue after this challenge, and question do you like the cross after you have already been hunted once?
TASTY!!! Lol keep up the work venttex
Troma Challenge
Merry Christmas Venttex!
More facecams ventexx! I like it
Venttex: I think I'll film another food challenge video.
Venttex's tongue: Once more unto the breach!
You good there venttex?
Haha good luck vent
I would love to see youplay with Ken and Luke on toasty games
Ventex I have a good idea i also wanted to give you a Christmas bonus…guess I can't find it……
I never tasted those candies, but I could still feel the sourness in my mouth just by your face x)
Merry Christmas Venttex, if you had gray hair you could be 🎅 with those rosy sour cheeks!
May I suggest the BeanBoozled jelly beans for your next challenge? Also Merry Christmas!!🎄
If you're not peeling the skin off your tongue the next day then it wasn't very sour! Awesome vids as always dude <3
I love these candies! Forgot they existed though lol
Next sour challenge: literal car battery acid 😤
I’m also a lemon eater. I used to dip lemon in sugar and eat it, how my teeth didn’t fall out of my skull I don’t know.
If you like gums, try to get the german Center Shoks. They are hard, for the first try.