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Time stamps
8:35 he spoke
11:03 he flesh
18:39 ghost game
25:51 it's multing time
Back to ghost game
45:17 it's criken appears
52:57 I don't know who that is but they join
53:24 cotton appears for like one second
Helldivers 2
2:13:32 the game starts
2:25:24 tails? I don't know how that is and M O T H joins
2:26:39 heavenly joins
3:33:40 is the most cadet thing I've ever seen
getting a sony sponsor for omens of tyranny and not being able to fight the illuminate is so damn funny
Yeah, Phasmo is such an ass game. You just walk around taking pictures of dirty sinks and recording low temps until a ghost rips your face in half, or you figure out what the ghost is and then leave.
The game's only content is laughing at your friends/streamer getting scared. Im honestly in shocked the steam reviews are as high as they are.
My sister does del mar bake competitions for a few spots and shes placed first a few times so its all about just doing it my man
2:35:13 For DamockrAECY
I am so sad that we heldove so hard he was unable to experience the Illumanate because we liberated all the worlds ehey where on
Lmao the “you defeated the illuminates already”
2:55:04 this hurts to watch