Phasmophobia with ImpulseSV and TangoTek

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at


15 thoughts on “Phasmophobia with ImpulseSV and TangoTek”

  1. After reading the title and the thumbnail something was definitely wrong phasmaphobia funny….

    Meanwhile me being traumatized by a video game
    Tbh i cant stand horror games i wasn't built to play one

  2. Yay! Already seen this from Tango and Impulse's POVs but needed to see Skizz's view too! It doesn't take long to get used to this game so before long you'll be strolling through the asylum on professional going "sup ghosteh buddeh!"

  3. Lolol…1:24:40…“yep, yep, yep, I’m out of here.”
    Haven’t had the time to watch the whole vids, but It’s cool to see this from everyone’s perspective. Now I see how dark it was for Skiz in the first house, poor dude.

  4. Phasmophobia seems like a terrifying game that I will never ever play due to cowardice, but you guys laughing and playing the game made things a lot easier on my heart to watch. (Can't say the same about Impulse's heart, but you know)


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