In this video I try to play Phasmophobia with a controller! This is something a small group of people choose to do and I wanted to see how bad the controls were. It is not too bad, but doing things like menus and the journal is extremely annoying. But besides that it actually works quite well!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch
Where do you get all thoes sweatshirts from? I NERD MY INSYM SHIRT NOW!!
Playing with a controller isn't that bad, Keyboard is better tho
Insym moment
I play this game with a controller only and i like it a lot. I just had to change the key binds completely to get it to work well
I play with a controller and I could not go back to mouse and keyboard 😅
But yea, the journal is annoying that's why I use J and my trackpad for that lol
14:22 u happy for extra but 14:27 escalated quickly 😂
The Key talk is default for me, not only if you forget the key in the van.
I use the L3 sprint and it works fine for me lol I occasionally let go of it to avoid a cramp but is fine for me. All of my gameplays involve a controller because I grew up on the Gamecube and PS2
Hello there Insym
Yeah, when I play with controller I always switch to my mouse when filling in the journal. Otherwise I'll leave evidence till last because of how much of a hassle it is lol.
And choosing L2 for sprinting instead of L3 was such a lifesaver for my hand.
I actually play with an Xbox One controller when I play Phasmo 🙂
When I used to play i only played with Mouse and keyboard. I would like to try and use a controller at some point and time. Unfortunately I had to delete the game, since any time I opened the game it would crash. But Im glad to see you play like this, its something new and its kinda like you have to relearn the game. Thanks for the video Insym. Lots of love to you. <3
I always use controllers for every game…😑
Randomized control challenge?
Use the spinning wheel to decide which keys remap as your wasd controls and mouseclicks
I don't have a track pad, but I do use a track ball mouse. The one with the big red ball on top. Been using it almost 20 years now. My old oldoldoldold computer had a massive monitor that took up all my desk space, so it was helpful not to have a mouse to move around. And it just became something I was used too.
Thank you for all your hard work and sharing this with us. I genuinely appreciate you. Much love ❤
hey you probably don’t remember me but i started watching you at like 5k and it’s been fun to watch you on twitch and yt and now your at like 120k lol
WASSUP INSYM??? Can I get a hi? :3
Until, quite literally, three days ago, I haven't had a desktop and mouse, and have, therefore, been playing phasmo exclusively on my laptop. I used the default keybinds with these changes: I bound both crouch and run to the shift key; journal on the caps lock key; pick up item on space bar; drop item on right click; primary item function on left click (do NOT hold the camera and use the journal with this keybind, because everytime you click in your journal, you WILL take a picture); and flashlight on E.
This was simply the best combination of keybinds for my tiny laptop keyboard in combination with my partially broken right clicker, and with the placement of my trackpad.
I was playing on my brand new sparkly desktop yesterday and have been experimenting with different keybinds, and had a very comically frustrating run where I kept throwing my items, and taking unwanted pictures, on accident.
I posted this feedback on the official discord a while ago which would make it easier to use a controller and mouse & keyboard I think:
Basically, use the d-pad/arrow keys to navigate and bigger hit-boxes for mice and in VR with shortcuts to the evidence page by pressing down or by clicking on the right edge of the book from any page.
I've always wondered why you have an Osu! emoji on discord I know you check comments a lot so I'm wondering if you could tell me why? XD
"I changed the sprint button…pressing the L3 button down is so annoying"
I tried out a controller, thinking sitting back would be fun, but:
The game ran choppier and my computer started to heat up a lot.
The controls were awful? My flashlight was tied to my walk/run joy stick????
It was just not okay.
This is like the time my dad first used a controller
Yo insym. Just had surgery. Watching your videos and having a great time with you is a great way to help me recover. Keep up the amazing work! You are an amazing person amd i love and appreciate all the hard work you put into your streams 😃
At least you have 360° movement 🙂
Who else was there for that amazing raid today?
I play with a controller but i'd have to get used to it otherwise i'd rather stick with the keyboard/Vr controls
Can i get a Phasmophobia on PS4?
Controller i have phasmophobia Insym sorry Me
Controller have dont money
Some games are controller games, and some,, are not
Have you tried playing Genshin impact? it’s not a horror game tho 🥲
Phasmo using a drawing tablet….now i need to try it.
Phasmo on a controller with inverted controls? 🤔
No I don't use a track pad, I do however, use a trackball. Been using one in games since City of Heroes.
Also use a gamepad (basically a custom small keyboard that is used one handed, with each keys can be bound to any normal keyboard keys/key combos).
I've been playing with Controller on Phasmaphobia since i first started playing, i use an Xbox One. But like you Insym i had to rebind the sprint key as it was killing my poor thumb lol 😫. Honestly playing with Controller isn't that bad at all.
Also i use my mouse briefly to use the journal, as like you said Insym it isn't Controller friendly.
Crucifix – 666 + – All
Something is wrong i can feel it
I use controller but have the xbox elite controller and the only rebind i did was the sprint to one of the paddles at the back, and since most games sprint is the same its perfect
Phasmophobia is avaible on PS4?
I know this is going to sound terrible. But when was the last time a ghost got the better off you and literally "ghosted" you? I watch your stream as often as I can and not to boast for you. But you seem un-killable. When you do die, it seems you were helping another player, or really getting crazy with a challenge, or "customer request" on twitch. Do you even remember the last time you got killed by a ghost?
Still loving the content btw
Keep it up!
I play with a controller
TBH they should just make the "sprint" speed the default walk speed and get rid of the sprint thing all together. It's irksome to continuously hold down the "sprint" and go barely any faster.
I always watch you in twitch everyday and i always love it keep at the good work I'm here to support you till the end insym❤️
If it is playable on controller, I hope this game come to console😁
bruh i had 2 ghosts in that room where the Karen was in and one of them was a hyperactive oni and a very agressive demon that drained our sanity like a yurei with no ghost events-
(and yes me and my friends got hunted and it was bad.)
Is it just me or is it really weird seeing Insym play with something else then keyboard or VR?
I tried playing with a controller once but the controls were too awkward