Playing with the Developer of Phasmophobia on the NEW UPDATE – w/ CJ and Psycho

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we play the new update together with CJ and Psycho! CJ has spent the last 6 months making the brand new Sunny Meadows map so we wanted to take him there to find some crazy ghosts. It’s always so much fun to play with CJ and Psycho and there are a few more videos to come! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

Check out CJ and Psycho!

I stream every day on
Livestream VODS:

NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7.0.0


37 thoughts on “Playing with the Developer of Phasmophobia on the NEW UPDATE – w/ CJ and Psycho”

  1. So it was CJ's fault I lost everything by walking into a ward and getting locked in. I couldn't hide because I would walk right passed the ghost and didn't have a smudge. I literally curled into a corner and accepted my fate. I died to a Thaye. 😂

  2. the oujia board bugs yesterday, We played 4players and half of the players cant use the board, and half of the player can, Half of the player got it breaked half of the player got it right but cant use it, wemade it to the truck but they cant see it. It was a little strange

  3. Love how CJ straight-up lies about how "strong" giving players meaningless xp is, while reducing all money rewards in this patch, across the board. News flash guys: removing photos from the multipliers guarantees you make LESS money per game, with any multiplier higher than 1, than you used to; not more. None of these devs know what math is apparently.
    While I do appreciate the option to lose no items, making everything else give less money for even more risk than before is stupid. You either lose all your money even faster, or never gain anything again. There is no good option for increasing multipliers over what you could already get from pre-set difficulties that is proportionally fair in risk. How is that too powerful? How was this not tested? This patch spent MONTHS in testing and yet they still didn't test it?

  4. Ask Director to make Hotel Camillia Map
    that would be fun with lift mechanic.

    They can go creative, like things happen during hunt inside lift (maybe the lift would open at wrong floor) That would be fun. Idk but Hotel ghost are common and Hotel Camillia was famous for being haunted

  5. I hope you've tried toggle to talk Insym! I absolutely love it for multi-player since i forget to push to talk often. It adds a little mic in the bottom left to show if your voice is active or not and your character clears their throat. It's an awesome little addition 🙂


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