I played with the Phasmophobia artist CJ for the 1st anniversary of Phasmophobia. We had the opportunity to ask a lot of questions about Phasmophobia and where the game is heading. Thanks again to CJ for taking the time to play with me and answer the questions of the community!
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Are you excited for whats coming next?
This man is hustling like a revenant and I love it!
So cool!
I know they used to have basement keys, but got rid of them. Tbh, I feel like it could still work, even if just for the professional level. In general though I do think you should be able to escape the house during a hunt by bashing the door, the sound of which would lure the ghost directly to your location unless it had line of sight with someone else. Or alternatively if it would distract them from their current target. Even bashing/escaping the house during a hunt could be a cool challenge.
It would be cool if ghosts could mimic one of the survivors to lure them to its room to begin a hunt. I know a while back Dk was pondering a health system so poltergeists and oni’s could toss things to injury/kill the player (depending on the item thrown).
20:28 Conjuring House, man. The owner’s a nice guy, could provide the floor plan. Got a cellar, main floor, attic. Could even have the graveyard in the woods northwest of the property be a possible “room” when you pass the bridge.
Could also do some “Urbex” (Urban Explorer) kind of locations with dilapidated/aging structures that are abandoned, maybe inspired by real life locations.
A motel or hotel could also be interesting, especially if a fenced in drained pool area was also a ghost room. Or maybe one based on one of those 1970s honeymoon ski lodges. Even a funeral home or old large church could be interesting.
Love these playing with the devs videos. That said, one thing CJ said: "With no offense, you guys are the best (for suggestions) because you guys have played it the most." If I could say one thing to CJ, it would be to not underestimate how much a lot of the playerbase has played too. Many of us are nearly as high level/hours as some of the big streamers like Psycho!
wouyd like it to maybe add other ghosts models not just human but maybe like a proper demonish or monster like ghost model
and my question pretty much still got answered XD of the previous video (the ''i would like to see a castle map'') 😛
These devs have a pretty good idea of what we want in the future. Can't wait to see what's coming for the Halloween update.
I'm so happy that they engage with the community this way. How kind of them.
I love it! Vielen Dank <3
maybe instead of a brightness slider for the book, it coupd be based off of the brightness of the room, so in a pitch black room you can barely see it, in the truck it is the brightness it is, and with a flashlight the center of the book is brightly lit and the edges or pretty dark.
1:03:53 donation jumpscare warning
I really like CJ! He seems low-key very funny and charming 🙂
What a cool dude.So easy going and funny
I would love some more "out there" maps, too. The idea of an abandoned (or maybe shipwrecked?) cruise liner in particular sounds really interesting. Old-fashioned furniture and art plus signs of decay like mold, dripping water… plus a nice variety of different room types. Sleeping quarters, engine room, bridge, theater, the deck (open air)… there's a lot to work with imo
Almost the same laugh xD hilarious
I always believed CJ will be the death of the game.