RANDOM PUBLIC LOBBIES | Phasmophobia Cursed Objects Update

We have been playing a bit of Phasmophobia again recently and I decided to compile some more matches! This time is was a lot of screaming children. HERE WE GO.

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#HorrorGames #IndieGames #Sonoket

Burn bright everybody,
-Sonoket // Aaron


18 thoughts on “RANDOM PUBLIC LOBBIES | Phasmophobia Cursed Objects Update”

  1. With that intro alone I knew only great trolling was coming, children beware you have 0% chance of living through a Phasmo match if Sonoket is there. Note to self if I ever bump into you in a public lobby stay outside when your inside lol or get to the cursed object first and just take us all down.

  2. That kid coughing and hacking into his microphone was actually being possessed by the in-game ghost, Exorcist style. They've really been going all out with new content lately.


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