REACTION KING | Phasmophobia

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46 thoughts on “REACTION KING | Phasmophobia”

  1. Wade, I love you, man. Your content is great, it's one of my favorite ways to pass the time, and I have no plans on stopping soon. But is this where we're at? A ten minute long video with 18 cuts? And only three of those sections are over 1 minute, the longest is barely 2.5 minutes. I get Twitch is better for you financially, and I support that–hell, I have probably 50 months or more of subbing to you there. But as someone who really can't watch streams, can we just please get some VODs over here on the 'Tube? If it is at all reasonable and possible, I can't believe I'm the only fan who would find that amazing.

  2. I don’t know how long ago this was Wade but my condolences. I lost my dad last year and it’s amazing the little things that you really miss. I miss going out into the kitchen at four in the morning and being asked by him why the hell I’m still up cause I work the next day lol.

  3. I don't know who passed away that you are talking about in the second half of the video, but I'm sorry you are having to experience that. I'm sorry you lost someone you love.

  4. I know I have had to much to drink when I started cursing Barbara.. If Wade and I have anything in common it our hatred for that particular AI.. though I don't play Uno online, and I my grandma was Barbara.. but still she always kills me during solo runs 😭

  5. Poor Wade you need to get rid of that email so you don't get scared too many more times I should probably going to die the next one you're going to be in a heart attack from it is why lol


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