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Revenants are very fast, don’t try to outrun them.
How og are y’all? I was 51st follower on my other yt account
9,999,9999 people need to watch this
I knew it was a revenant when he started hunting and only went for pixie (who was outside). Revenants are the worst ones because they will hunt one person until everyone is dead. They can also switch targets so it would've been pixie one hunt but tyler the next.
Bere: Is he upstairs?😰
Pixie dust: RUN HE’S BEHIND YOU😱
Bere & Tyler: AHH He’s Downstairs!!😨👻
I L❤️ve this series, I can’t wait to see more of Phasmophobia! 🤩😍😱👻😈💀👾
Bereghost is the amazing youtuber sho lad sub and like the dang video
idc what people i love this game well when they play it
Tip: A ghost will respond only to these questions (reply if there are more not listed here):
Are you here?
Is there anyone here?
Where are you?
(very common they'll answer)
How old/young are you?
(very common they'll answer)
What do you want?
Show yourself
(very common they'll answer)
Give us a sign
(very common they'll answer)
Talk to me/us
(very common they'll answer)
Open a door
(very common they'll answer)
Turn on/off the light (very common they'll answer)
by the way bere, the emf always goes crazy like that during a hunt and never goes on emf 5 when on a hunt
sips on tea ah good old bereghost
Revenants run fast
This is day 2 of asking bere to play minecraft nether update
I just want to thank you for letting me watch your rocket league videos after I had the scariest nightmare of my life a couple years back
Sorry I’m late for the vid I had to do homework.. Thank you Bere and the rest of the FGN Crew for making my quarantine and everyone else’s quarantine so much better! Love you guys, can’t wait for 1 mil subs! Also one request, could you play more older games, like more Minecraft, Raft, For Honor, Farm Together, and even Gang beasts. THANK YOU FOR MY ENTIRE CHILDHOOD!!
People need to wake up we are in the end times. If you don’t believe me well, it’s your choice if you want to accept Jesus or not but listen Jesus is the truth. He’s the protector and comforter and will give you joy and peace. The power of Jesus is so evident these days, just look at boonk gang, he’s a Christian now. Jesus wants you in heaven. He died for you. And not just a simple death, he died taking in the worst punishment and pain of all. By his death and resurrection we have heaven.All you need to do is have faith or trust in him to save you and not by your works. The yoctosecond you do that you are given the Holy Spirit of promised and sealed to the day of redemption. The day of redemption is the rapture which is when we the saved ones get taken out before the perilous times come.I don’t want to go into detail about it cause it is scary but if you would like to go ahead. And if you do get saved I pray that the Holy Spirit leads you to repentance and prayer and reading the Bible.May god show himself to you and his love towards you.
How many people can you play with
a little tip if the breaker is off the average temps are 41-36 just incase you didn't know 🙂
Did brianna have her baby
I like how it felt like the ghost was going for tyler after he said "HAHA YES IT WASNT ME THIS TIME" to pixe and decided to kill him next and leave bere alone.
Thanks for giving me some of the best childhood memories ever I have been watching you guys for over 7 years now. 👌💞 Keep up the excellent work
I accidnetly muted the video and I come back to ths 9:35
Yoooooo more phasmophobia. POGCHAMP
May I ask? What microphone does BearGhost use and stand?
11:56, Pixie had to much hand sanitizer 🍾🍺🍷🥂
I know this game is kind of dead and I don’t know if it could be a FGN thing but could you play clash of clans day 1 of asking them this
I love how he says phasmophobiers. cause I always say that too
You wonder why they call him Pyro cuz he's a pyromaniac
Bere could've found this revenent from the camera. Revenents (imma call them revs from now forth) will move super slowly when not in line of sight with anybody. However, the trade off is, if it catches you in line of site, you can bet you're dead unless you have an open locker or closet that you can get to in less than a second because they move at double the player speed while sprinting which is 1.6x walking speed. This means revs are 3.1x normal player walking speed when in line of sight.
TL/DR revs are super fast when in line of sight, however super slow when they can't see players. Bere couldve found from the first hunt.
Daily tip 17 (im running out):
The average sanity is the only thing taken into consideration when hunts or other sanity-related activities start popping up. It doesn't matter if you are at 100% sanity and the only one in the house. If everyone else is at 0 in this case, you will be hunted. No matter what you do, the ghost only cares about the average sanity.
Day 25 of asking FGN to play Ark: Survival Evolved
you carried my childhood thank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽