We are determined to become professional ghost hunters in Phasmophobia.
*Disclaimer: This is a horror game and may not be suitable for all ages.
Phasmophobia “Cheat Sheet”
►Impulse’s wife has an Etsy store. You can check it out here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DesertMeadowsDesign
Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/impulseSV
Imp & Skizz: https://www.youtube.com/impandskizz
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/impulseSV
Instagram: https://instagram.com/impulsesv_yt
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@impulsesv_yt
Website: https://impulsesv.com/
only tier 1 is headcam, Tier 2 is headlamp, tier 3 is night vision, you might want to purchase one it is so nice to be able to see in the dark while carrying three items
What is the link to the ghost speed
it makes (sortof) sense you dont YEET the salt, otherwise it would spill everywhere
Just what I needed when making ham rolls and cheesy funeral potatoes for Thanksgiving.
When you open the door on the house the ghost is active so while your standing in the door way it was enough time elapsed before you agro for an event
Are you not downloading Minecraft stuff? It seems all uve been downloading is this game and thats not why i subscribed
I'm from the UK but I imagine moose would taste something like beef crossed with venison
<starts a rumour that impulse got kicked out of his normal office because he wouldn't stop playing Phasmo>
Did anyone else see the twinteraction on the board at 9:34?
In my experience with the activity board, EMF 5 is pretty consistent. But it doesn't count when it's an event, hunt, or even if it's going down as 5, only up.
Complain about thanksgiving to Abraham Lincoln he was the one who made Thanksgiving a holiday
I just finished the weekly challenge mode with a friend! it was my second time ever playing, and watching you has inspired me so much I got the game <3
Way too scared to play this myself. Thank God for Impulse and the gang
Does anyone know what the skull is on the place selection menu?
insym want to change the way u get 9 salt photos , wants removed to make the photos earnable
This was the perfect length VOD to cook thanksgiving dinner. Thanks for keeping me company!
Watching phasmo vods to wind down after family time is a peak way to end my thanksgiving
The Mimic is the only ghost that can leave handprints on the Exit Door: it must be mimicking a Yurei, it must use the door-closing ability on the exit door, and the ultraviolet evidence is not hidden. The other thing to remember is that secondary evidence doesn’t change playing hard core or a harder challenge mode so a mimic will always have an orb present.
I'm curious what settings Impulse changed to make the game look as good as it does
I got terrible nausea from lethal company VOD, couldn't watch it the whole way through.
I’d love to see you guys try lethal company again- but not die with the instruction clipboard in the first round lol
I caught your stream at the point Gem joined, glad to be able to see the early part! I stand by my donation message – the best part of being a Canuck with American friends is the double Thanksgiving dinners! 😋
Imagine if the channel point redemption lights were going off in the guest house. The guests would have an irl phasmophobia.
I love that you love Phasmo!! Woodwind is really only efficient if you gag after the first hunt ie. higher chance or getting an easily identifiable ghost due to higher volume of runs completed. You're taking your time on WW, so I recommend the Tanglewood strat for your gameplay style. Try 0 evidence/0 sanity (tweak as you like to a 9 or 10 -ish X difficultly) and do what you're doing but on Tanglewood. Throw in crucifixes, objective items, salt and smudge through the door then take a crucifix and smudge into the kitchen when you're ready. After first hunt, setup the items. With objectives, you can get up to $500 for an incorrect ghost or up to $3000 for correct ghost. Best when solo. Can work with 2 peeps but won't really work with more.
amitur is the hardest because the ghost dose nothing. i have only got a perfict game in itermediet
Thank you for the thanksgiving cooking entertainment! Im celebrating by myself this year, so its nice to have some form of company today. Being alone on a holiday is uniquely lonely but also very nice. No awkward family and i get to pick what i want to eat, when i want to eat. I get to pick what to watch and the music if i want it. But i do miss the good parts of a big family.
Because I'm in Australia, I rarely catch these streams in person, and I have instead of participating chat like I would, I just talk to the vod and now it's a running joke that I talk to ghosts lol
if you return to 7 days to die i would say try the "Wasteland" mod , its Fallout for 7 days to die (you'll get the feeling of fallout)
Hi Impulse… you know you can play in "heavy rain" instead of foggy, I think it counts as the same for your multiplyer
Loving the phasmo content is still strong ❤❤
Impulse are u playing hermitcraft vaulthunters any time soon?
Had the quickest game I'v had so far last night, Turned on the breaker, went into the next room to see 6 Fingies lol
What time do you start your steams bc I wanna watch them and I don't know the time and I am in aus