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Not the first to comment, but not the last either
I hate the new shop soo damn much. It stopped me from playing after that update
Glad you are back to phazmo! I didn't like some of the games you were playing. I understand you got to try stuff to expand your audience. But it's been a min.
Love the sweater!
Is insym single cough cough
I realize you've done this 10k times, but you move too fast for some of us to follow wtf is happening. You may need just a millisecond to ID fingerprints or lack thereof, but some observers need a little more time.
Wait they gonna remove crouch run? Lol okay, I'll remove the game then. Tf they're just killing this. New shop UI is dog water, game is still buggy af, still waiting for Point Hope. Honestly This is a ghost is a million times better than Phasmo. Sad cos no one really knows or plays it but everyone and their mom is stuck on this sh!t game. Duh
tell me if you found the bone pls xd
6:10 my man is giving shoutouts to the ghosts
Moroi is my most common ghost XD
So is this mean that Insym destroyed everything in phasmo and and want to go to level 1 again
Hey insym, when will be the next pacific drive episode? Cheers!
28:52 That is not true, tried it today. You can still get the obj "capture a photo of the ghost" even tho the book is full
1:14:20 Insym, you actually did wish for sanity twice. I saw this live on Twitch and decided to test with the monkey paw to try and replicate that bug. The way it occurs is you have to say the wish while the monkey paw is on the ground, and then quickly say it again as you are picking it up. About 70% of the time it works depending on the wish so it is not the most reliable. Here are my findings by using certain wishes:
Wish for Sanity
– Sets your sanity to 50% 2 times
– Changes ghost room 2 times
– Multiplies the sanity drain by 2.25 (1.5 x 1.5) – This means if you are in a multiplayer lobby playing nightmare on a small map and you make that wish twice (and everyone heals up with 100% sanity meds), if my math is correct, normal ghosts can start hunting after 1 minute and 33 seconds
Wish for Activity
– Increases interactions
– Ghosts will spam ghost events, especially if there are no items to interact with
– Still locks the door for 2 minutes
– Permanently sets your movement speed to a snails pace
– Crashes your game when you leave
Wish for Weather
– Changes the weather twice (different weathers take more effort than same weathers)
– Drains sanity by 50% (25% x 2)
– Darkness animation and sound breaks
Wish for Safety
– Breaks 2 lights (if moving between rooms)
– Opens 2 hiding areas (if moving between rooms)
– Ghosts will still find you anywhere during hunts if you have equipment on
Wish for knowledge
One of two things will happen:
A – It will rule out 1 evidence twice
B – It will rule out 2 evidence once
The other wishes I have not tested or I could not get to work. I assume if you try wishing for life twice with this method you can get up to two players back, but the chance of dying is much greater.
NOTE: If anyone is going to try this, you are doing so at your own risk, this might get you banned in multiplayer lobbies.
I live vicariously through the believers. The amount of serotonin I get when they get even a small win is insane.
Man in i love this community. The HI YT is the most wholesome thing ever. Insym your fanebase is amazing. Love ya man
Dualband! Was worried not seeing him for the first while.
The summoning circle shouldn’t even be possible to show up as a cursed possession if the player does NOT have the lighter unlocked 🤔🤔
I had a yokai do the mare ability 3 times in a row… a scam
Can you play the last of us 2
I need matchmaking for this game. I hate joining servers and hoping theyre not toxic. Or get immediately kicked.