I’ve seen some sneaky spots for the bone. But this one… this one is downright evil!!! Behind the generator?! Who looks there? Well… now I do every single game. 🤣
I am genuinely impressed that y'all were able to find that! I know the effort it takes to find the bone sometimes so great job and great teamwork on that! Definitely one of the hardest bone locations I've ever seen.
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Who would think to look there?!
The ghost was really trying to make sure you didn't get that perfect game
How did she even see it it’s almost impossible and it was foggy
Wow would have run rings around that place n still wouldn’t have found it🤣🤣🫶🏽🫶🏽
I am genuinely impressed that y'all were able to find that! I know the effort it takes to find the bone sometimes so great job and great teamwork on that! Definitely one of the hardest bone locations I've ever seen.