Who ya gonna call? Swedish people
My COFFEE ☕: https://topofthemornincoffee.com/
Twitter 🐥: https://twitter.com/Jack_Septic_Eye
Instagram 📷: http://instagram.com/jacksepticeye
Gab: https://www.youtube.com/user/GirlGamerGaB
Felix: https://www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie
Ken: https://www.youtube.com/user/CinnamonToastKen
Edited By: https://www.youtube.com/c/betapixl
the “jump-scare” at 2:00 scared the shit out of me 😂
At 8:03 they harmonized
Jack : let’s be quite in Japanese
Also Jack: Screaming in Japanese
Just them insulting eachother in whispers. And then they run downstairs into chaos. They should have just stayed there insulting eachother.
My phone froze when he said "tiktok tiktok" and I thought that there was just a lot of awkward silence and I had second hand embarrassment…
2:00 it actually really scared me
Your face is a construction site.. 😬😂🤣 dead
This Felix guy is pretty weird.
I like how there can be a number 15 on a top 10 list
Next bitch E
9:03 E
paul jackson do you like it when people rub your feet
I want to play this game but u got to be premium
I love these videos
2:02 the man behind the slaughter-
8:01 I swear that's the best laugh I've ever heard XD
13:05 is that a Shaun of the dead reference?
That first one was a pretty chill oni, didn't hunt once.
“GaMEr ToiLEt” 😂
Cinnamon toast ken
R.I.P Moist Critical
paul jackson , no relation to PAUuULlL MARtOn XD
Pls play more