23:26 It's not a bug. You applied the randomizer but didn't save it, so when it went back to the menu screen it went back to your saved custom 3 settings. If you want to do this in the future you'll need to save the randomized settings.
Anyone else interested in a video on finding the fastest possible ghost post apocalypse update? I'd like to see speed tests done with perspectives from dead players to see just how fast a ghost can be.
Tis the season for Insym's comfy-looking sweaters. I wanna know where he gets them because they look perfect for cold days.
Great video! I love that we have the ability to randomize everything, I get stuck doing the same things all the time so it's nice to spice things up sometimes.
Have you tried this yet?
They need to add a option for random load outs
I've just got the 15x challenge done, can someone pls tell me how to get the badge or the trophy pls, thanks.
23:26 It's not a bug. You applied the randomizer but didn't save it, so when it went back to the menu screen it went back to your saved custom 3 settings. If you want to do this in the future you'll need to save the randomized settings.
ew! dirty water! ew!

I love playing with random settings but it always gives me broken flashlights
text looks wierd cuzz you shine a light on it then it looks more gray
Cola is awful.
I haven’t tried random custom difficulty yet but it looks like so much chaos and fun that I need to
Does weather affect gameplay at all?
Insym should do the friendly ghost with no evidence challenge
Anyone else interested in a video on finding the fastest possible ghost post apocalypse update? I'd like to see speed tests done with perspectives from dead players to see just how fast a ghost can be.
Twitch is on the last bit of grind to scam more money from viewers before it's predicted downfall.
i was in chat on twitch and now im here again baby
He can truly do anything
How are you able to be so happy and funny all the time? What's your secret?
"What's the worst that can happen?" you ask.
Are you or are you not the world renowned Phasmo Nestor INSYM I ask….
American cola is too sugary and corn syrapy. That leaves the layer in your mouth.
In Europe, the same drinks have less stuff in them, tastes better.
24:11 the old phasmo before the new sprint be like:
Before: "Dirty water… wooooooo…"
Now: "Dirty water… HOL' UP!"
somehow i randomize and get 150 ghost speed no sprint no grace period and still a .65x multiplier
Tis the season for Insym's comfy-looking sweaters. I wanna know where he gets them because they look perfect for cold days.
Great video! I love that we have the ability to randomize everything, I get stuck doing the same things all the time so it's nice to spice things up sometimes.