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35 thoughts on “THE CONSOLE LAUNCH IS FINALLY HERE – Phasmophobia LIVE 🔴”

  1. It’s bugged on Xbox, always gets stuck on 90% when entering a MP match, but can still move and everything – just can’t see anything you do lol (crossplay test with my wife’s PC)

  2. I played 3 times yesterday, 1st game fumbled during the 1st hunt. Managed to hide but the ghost must have seen me because it threw open the doors and killed me – Yurei. The 2 after I was Ok until it was time to get my last evidence and then was turning chicken – got them both wrong, got Yokai back to back

  3. If they don't cut the current bloodpoint requirement to complete the entire event to around 4% of the current requirement, we won't complete stage 3.

    If they don't cut the requirement at all, we will only get to around 13% of Stage 1, which equals out to 4.3% of the entire event.

    This event is quite literally chalked in its current state, and the longer they take to fix it, the more demoralized the community will become.

    If you have any sway at all with the devs, you NEED to talk to CJ ASAP about this because, as it currently stands, there is no incentive to participate in the event because the rewards are currently impossible to achieve in the alotted time.

  4. 2:37:08 I've been seeing that the whole video, where there seems to be a minimum turn speed that is too high to simply aim at a object to interact or pick up, don't know why.

    I need to go check out this game's controller input again and see what the minimum is. I'm normally using Steam Input's mouse and keyboard.

    I wouldn't add a sensitivity clutch on an extra button input, the controller's already full. The best way to fix it is to have an exponential sensitivity curve where it's very slow when you move the stick a tiny bit and super fast when you move the stick all the way to the edge.

  5. Am at the point where you say it's weird if people get the game on console when they already have it on pc. It depends really. My husband already has it on pc but his daughters prefer to play on consoles so for them he got it on the Playstation as well =)

  6. I believe the “goal” for the event, is 100% intentional. From what it sounds like, the devs intentionally massively overshot the goal in order to prevent PC players from completing the goal super quickly, so the console players would have a chance to learn the game and then be able to contribute to the event. Note, this is all my own speculation and through hearsay though, and did not directly hear this confirmed by a dev myself, so take it with a grain of salt.


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