Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we check out the latest weekly challenge and this one is quite messed up. It was supposed to be fixed to have 3 evidence but I have checked with the devs and they accidentally messed this up so the challenge still has 2 evidence which makes it MUCH harder than it should be… ENJOY!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.6
First one here
First one
Nr 1 😍
5th one
Hi insym love ur vids
Did this today had to redo over and over until I got a recognisable ghost, rev, moroi and oni
So for context because this was driving me insane:
This challenge used to have 2 evidence which made it insanely hard on top of everything else. I talked about this with the devs and they agreed so they intended to fix it and put it at 3 evidence instead. They put this in the patch notes as well (that they changed it to 3).
Now it turns out that that fix DID NOT WORK and it still has 2 evidence. So that's why I'm going crazy trying to find 3 evidence during this video because that's supposed to be the case but it's not. So the devs accidentally made this challenge insanely hard again.
Early! 🙂
Me and my friend got 3 for 3 on this challenge. Revenants sure are clear on this one
not even joking i got 2 deogens in a row
So foggy!
It was a pain in the ass challenge, we didn’t even got a second evidence..
Me and a friend tried this challenge. In 5-10 minutes, the ghost hunted, started zooming around, and either saw us hiding through the window of the tent it went into, or just ran into us by accident.
We decided to just go back and play our normal nightmare mode games instead.
the thumbnail is me after completing the challenge.
My Hunt 1:
I enter and I hear interaction.
"Are you here?"
*Spiritbox breathing heavily.
My hunt 2:
I hear multiple twinteractions, (I'm terrible at detecting twin speeds tho.) but as I knew that devs said that there are 3 pieces of evidence now I found 2 of 3 evidences.
only emf was missing and I spent over 5 minutes watching emf board in the van and not a single emf5 spike.
My hunt 3:
mimic though that I won't notice the difference between revenant and a fcking thay
My buddies and I thought it was a 0 evidence challenge, we ran out like 5 times and the only evidence we got was orbs when it was a mimic 😂
My friends and I kept dying every time we enter lol, the ghost just somehow always knows where we are, and the ghost being so fast we can't even hide anywhere as it has a 90% chance of walking to our hiding spot.
It was easy for me. 2 deos and a Myling. lol. Finished in 15 minutes.
I got so lucky on this weeks challange, a banshee scream within 1 minute and the others were a rev and a thaye. I just ran to a hiding spot and listened because I thought it was a no evidence challange^^
100% bathrooms broken… barrels broken…
And bamboozled by ghosts – a Thaye that was Demon agressive… an Obake acting like a Hantu… craziness
lets gooo actually got a goryo on this stinky challenge and got it right
The first that i got was a myling so it was ez and the 2 next i just guessed it and completed it in like 30 minutes… that was realy lucky
Got this challenge done in 5 runs.
One was a deo that I was able to outrun and the other 2 I guessed right on 1 evidence with pure dumb luck 😎
I played this with friends a few times, and everytime I was the only one watching the timer. They just kept yelling its name and grabbing equipment
Guys… you lost the plot… WE arent the ones seeking…
I miss him going i tqo public lobbys and playing with them
my frog just died this morning, i havent stopped crying since. but your videos always make me smile, so thank you.