The Developers Gave us a Very Thematic Challenge – Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this weekly we get sent to winter wonderland! ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8


22 thoughts on “The Developers Gave us a Very Thematic Challenge – Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge”

  1. We got 3 hantus in a row😂😂 we taught this was a dev joke, but then i saw your video, we became stunned. We went in the last round as a joke "we put hantu right?" AND IT WORKED. This was insanely lucky

  2. This week was Suffering. I hate being slow. And being slow on camp woodwind is a nightmare. I kept getting ghosts in the childrens area. At least the last ghost I had was a demon that hunted the minute I got in. LOL All of a sudden Lisa was all up in my face

  3. This was a bit awkward, but not too hard. Killed once when I got ambushed by an unexpected hunt, then I had a shade who never showed writing, but I got spammed by airballs and was at 22% sanity without being hunted. Then 2 wraiths which confused me a lot due to following me, the 2nd one changed its favourite room twice , got maybe 1 evidence then saw the motion sensor objective was complete but no footsteps in salt. Only been playing a couple of weeks but learned a lot from you, thanks.

  4. We got pretty lucky, we got Revenant, Revenant, and Phantom. Figured out Revs almost immediately during hunts, then suspected Phantom and managed to take a distant 1 star ghost photo where it revealed itself to be Phantom.

  5. Oh imagine if the level 3 tripods let you rotate them BUT ALSO you could put any piece of equipment on them and not just cameras. I would set one up in the ghost room with DOTS on it and spin it to make a disco party.

  6. This was my worst challenge run yet. My ghosts were all over the place (I swear they turned roaming up to like 300% of maximum) and many did not want to give up evidence. My first ghost, a Spirit, played nice and gave up its evidence without too much delay. My next ghost only gave me EMF 5 I think, but I saw two obvious Twinteractions on the board and sure enough it was The Twins. My next bunch of ghosts just would not cooperate. Eventually my final winning run came from a Revenant, and my prize was a ghostly hug I couldn't get away from.

    I will say, I did like the theme of the challenge, even if it did kick my butt more than any of the others.

  7. You can go into the game files and change your level, how much money you have, and every single item in the game

    It would literally take me 30 seconds to do it. That's how I got a thousand of each item with only 2 minutes of playtime

    You can also increase the party size from 4 to 8 doing this

  8. For my first run I got hunted and it couldn’t find me even though I was trying to figure it out through looping it then smudging it but since they didn’t give us lighters I tried to hide, then I couldn’t hear any foot steps so I guessed myling and got it

  9. I got an onryo during this challenge. Had no way of telling if it actually was, since it has the same evidence as a mimic (No fingerprints at all, I think it can’t hit those windows/doors or it just didn’t). I hate the challenge now

  10. I was wondering who to contact about bugs honestly I been getting this one bug that when I hold a cursed item my W key makes me walk like i'm holding W and A keys at the same time and I run against a Invisible wall i'm not sure what happens it happens with every cursed items.

  11. can anyone help me, cuz ive been like 50 hours and more even phasmo, and havent received not even one another trading card, as you get me by playing the game . so or i have the cards system bugged or i dont know. as i read everyone already collected all of them, and im not getting not even one from the last ones i get. and its been a lot of hours played.


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