The Developers Made Getting This Trophy 10x More Difficult – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I thought we would easily get the silver trophy in Phasmophobia. However it turns out that the developer made getting trophies SO MUCH MORE difficult in the latest update. So watch me struggle as I try to get this trophy. ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9


45 thoughts on “The Developers Made Getting This Trophy 10x More Difficult – Phasmophobia”

  1. Hey Insym, I'm not sure if you have heard their is a Banshee salt test that me and a friend heard from another streamer that works. If you put 3 salt piles in a row and then lose line of sight (not during a hunt) and if it steps in all the salts in a row, its very likely to be a Banshee. So far we tested it twice and got it right. Might be something to test on this patch as it could be a huge no evidence trick.

  2. I seen that the difficulty setting were not in the description so I went and found the settings so here you go and have fun with this challenge.


    Starting Sanity- 0

    Sanity Pill Restoration- 0

    Sanity Drain Speed- 200

    Sprinting- On

    Player Speed- 100

    Flashlights- On

    Lose Items and Consumables- On


    Ghost Speed- 100

    Roaming Frequency- High

    Changing Favourite Room- High

    Interaction Amount- Low

    Event Frequency- Low

    Friendly Ghost- Off

    Grace Period- 0

    Hunt Duration- High

    Kills Extend Hunt- Off

    Evidence Given- 0


    Setup Time- 0

    Weather- Heavy Rain

    Doors Starting Open- None

    Number Of Hiding Places- High

    Sanity Monitor- Off

    Activity Monitor- Off

    Fuse Box At Start Of Contract- On

    Fuse Box Visible On Map- Off

    Cursed Possessions Quantity- 0

  3. Getting a ghost photo has been super difficult for a really long time imo
    ever since flashlights flickered instead of turning on and off (a change made years ago at this point) it's super hard to see the ghost during hunts let alone get photos of it
    the summoning circle is a good way to get the photo but it's super dangerous since the ghost will likely hunt while you're trying to light the candles and then you just die

  4. insym could you please make a tutorial how to play conrad paranormal , just explaining for beginners how to use the items what to do. cuz im having trouble understanding the game. how to do a great investigations and that stuff. please

  5. I think the easiest approach to getting a "reliable" picture in apocalypse… camp out in a room near the ghost room (within 15 meters, which I think is ghost event range?). Put a cruci in the room in case it roams to you, whether it roams by chance or because it's a banshee/phantom/wraith – and also to protect you from if it ghost events in the room you're in and then immediately hunts. If it hunts from the ghost room you'll be fine cause it doesn't know where you are, and if it ghost events you should have an easy ghost picture!

  6. I guess it was bad to try 15x apocalypse challenge after the update. And to note, I’ve played over 100 games mixed between apocalypse and insanity runs with friends and I have gotten 0 Deogens. X.x

  7. i got this trophy first try like 2 days ago, cheesed the hell out of it lmao. my mode had high ghost event and interaction rate with no doors open so i could just walk around and find the room with ease, had 1 evidence but ended up getting a mimic so i found 2 evidence. run took under 5 mins lmfao

  8. I remember I did my silver with no sprint, no flash light, broken breaker with 1 evidence. Full sanity with 40% pill and sanity monitor so I had more information. It was slow but felt more beginner friendly

  9. I'm soooo pissed… I used these settings, with tier 3 gear, got a DEO, and totally owned the silver challenge in less than 10 mins… RECORDED the whole thing… obs captured a static image, but the audio is crystal clear… 😭😭😭😭😭

  10. I think the easiest objectives you could go for this are Capture a ghost photo(since you already need it anyway), Repel the ghost with incense and Cleanse the area near the ghost which you can do at the same time when it's hunting while only using one smudge stick.

  11. I'm waiting until I have T3 everything then do them one at a time. I'm level 83, I haven't done any power-leveling stuff at all. I was playing no evidence until I started unlocking all the cool T3 stuff then I went to 1 evidence so I had an excuse to get them all out.

  12. >ghost photo for apoc challenge
    yeah, i had a 2 hour Gold game attempt against a revenant a few months ago now where i got everything perfect except I didnt get the clear because you NEED to have the ghost photo in the book for it to count now.
    I spent the last 90min of the game just trying to get the ghost photo but this revenant NEVER hunted and only did 2 ghost events the entire 2 hours and 10mins of that game.

  13. 11:00 I have scrubbed through the part where chat is saying orbs dozens of times, and I really think this is one of those circumstances where chat got EXTREMELY situationally lucky. They did NOT see orbs originally, it was a light/shadow glitch in the upper right hand corner, but when you returned it DID give you orbs directly in the middle of the room.

  14. I did it the same a few days ago (actually easy):
    Go for a random cursed possession, full sanity and run in until you get the summoning circle. You can do EVERYTHING in one hunt (except crucifix)
    (+ obviously no flash light and sprint, the piano is your best friend)


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