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#HatFilms #Phasmophobia #Bouphe
Rrring ring
Smiff: Oh! It's the banker!
I shit you not, he turned himself into a plant. funniest shit I have ever seen.
That outro slayed me
Come on now GET THEM DEMONS AND SUCK EM UP IN YA THINGY….wait they are just investigators..
No learning. Or fired. I am so smrt “S M R T”
The proxy voice and radio comms are hilarious
Man I wish this game was more stream friendly. Almost all of the time you cant see anything but their hands. But I understand the darkness is part of the experience.
Nothing cheers me up as well as a hat films video
What’s that weird slurpy suction sound that happens all the time?
'Is the catering nice?!'
Smith: *fucking dies
Bouphe: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love how they just start screaming the name instantly, no hesitation.
7:58 Bouphe laughing at the wheelchair bound. 😂
Loving these vids, spooo0oo0ooky times
Why do the ghost pictures look different to certain people?
Throws the ball
Follows the ball
"Hello Georgiee"
I'm not ready to die if there's no Eastenders or bacon in the afterlife either
I hate when they just say the ghosts name so much it's like every other word, you are only suppose too once you have a bit of evidence and know the room and want the ghost to be more active or start hunting. Everyone and their brother seems to think it's funny to walk in and immediately start shouting the ghosts name. Probably because they think some dying each round makes good content, maybe for some. It ruins the atmosphere to constantly shout the name and have someone die every round because you expect it at this point.
It hurts watching this. Do the lads know that they need to hide when the torch starts flashing ?
Guys for all of our viewing entertainment, can we spam them to say that "T" turns on flashlight whilst you hold other tools. So it's unreasonable for Trott to make us stare at a black screen with a thermometer dial for 10 minutes. IT WILL DEFINITELY HELP VIEWER RETENTION!
My fave part of these videos is ross, when hes screaming the name of the ghosts questioningly from the others perspective, gets me every time
1:35 the shadow of a disembodied hand… this game!!!
I know they probably won't check this but………….just incase, carry flashlight + 2 other things, hit "T" so u can see when you have another item pulled out and your flashlight will work, and the Shift key will make u "run" stumble slightly faster. (flashlight stuff just for content)
Ross saying "can we sing his songs near a high school?" absolutely killed me
Ross' voice is so funny I can't even be scared. 10/10 stuff
fun fact, if seeing a ghost tanks your sanity, you can confirm it's a phantom
I really enjoyed this video. Great collaboration with Bouphe
In the living room? But he's dead!
The 2 rounds in one episode is great, thank you!
Why does trott never have a bloody torch!
Too funny
They do know they are supposed to not say the ghost's name.
If you want it to show itself without killing anyone just ask for a sign or for it to show itself.
Why is “their still using black boards. Now that is spooky”
“Oh no, they lost their funding”
So amusing … 😉
11:54 Wow, THE Richard Williams? Animation-director of such classics as Who Framed Roger Rabbit and author of The Animator's Survival Kit!
me on the toilet at 5am with the lights off watching this on phone with earbuds on. woah spoopy.
At 17:44 turn your headphones down and thank me later XD
From the minute Bouphe said Revenant, I knew how the rest of the video was going to go.