Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we explore everyhing about the Tier 3 crucifix. This is such a powerful new item that allows you do do new things we’ve never seen before! ENJOY!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9
Just wanted to clarify some confusion about the crucifix:
The crucifix only has 50% higher range vs Demon. This means that the T1 has 3 + 1.5 = 4.5m, the T2 has 4 + 2 = 6m, and T3 has 5 + 2.5 = 7.5. It doesn't increase by 50% PER TIER, it just scales each different tier by 50% flat.
Day 21 of asking insym to play phasmo mobile ( Exorcist : Fear of phasmophobia )
I haven't had the money for a computer. Things are tough and tight we all know. So watching insym play this when I can't really helps so I apreciate all ur info cuz u make it fun to watch if we can't play. Ty..
Bro the tier three motion sensor is a cctv camera
spaghetti code definitely feels like a runescape reference lol
Can night vision can see the ghost orb ?
Can you use the Para mic to negate the deafness from the Knowledge wish now that it amplifies sounds?
Im curious to see if its possible to stun an Obake during a hunt while it's shape shifting with the tier 3 incense. Im sure its possible but probably super difficult
thats insane lol
Day 13 of asking Insym if he could play paranormica on roblox (fun if your new to phasmophobia tbh, does have a nice jump scare while entering too but is pretty old and doesn't have all the ghosts, only like 10? Haven't played in a while)
Love the content insym, i would never in a million years know so many great tips&info about this game if it wasnt for you
9:29 freezing breath?
I would love a challenge where you use the tier 3 fire lights instead of flashlights or head gear/cameras
Is he playing the new update non stop? His eye bagged .
As a ghost i agree that i cant catch insym hes my worst feaar
As a mimic : ez insym most deaths from me
As a yokai : getting roasted by insym
if you wanna be extra wish for life after knowledge then die. after being revived you get your vision and ears back
They shouldn't nerf this. First of all, you have to be level 90 to do it. Then you have to roll summoning circle. Then you have to not die before using the summoning circle. Then you have to still play the rest of the mission afterward. I think it's pretty cool and it gives the summoning circle an awesome use case instead of being extremely meh.
What if, as a player prestiges, they gain access to a utility belt, a camera bag, and a backpack. Once they aquire those things, they can start upgrading them to fit more items. They can keep it balanced by having the player scroll through the utility belt, taking off the backpack and scrolling through it, placing the camera bag down and scrolling through it, ect. The can keep it balanced by, say, if you select the pills or salt, you can't throw them down, you have to use it right away. Or, you have to carry the tripod and the camera bag in your hands, so you can't walk in with an evidence gathering item. They can drag out the upgrading process long enough to think of more incentives to prestige.
Use dots as a flashlight only
Free Money Hacking Glitching Photos

Thanks for your content, not many people likes horror game the way you do.
Sleep well
Make a new ghost challenge wheel and add more topics, like "Use T1"…….
Talk About Gadgets All Mostly

the hiding spot in blue bedroom (@9:40) actually can kill you, in fact while farming lvls i used the hiding spot around 30 times and there was 3 moments when the ghost actually opened up the doors on me and it would actually kill me if i didnt use my smudge , in fact it is rare but be aware it can kill you
Actually more like a challenge i steqd of a guide,what we have been doing is taking those random wheels and we have it choose map, items and light sources like you used to do and then we added a couple more wheels for item tier and difficulty and its fun so far
Greetings from Germany thank you for the Video this will make things much easier in Phasmophobia thank you Insym

How do you use the tier 3 sound system?
Its interesting that insym can Upload a Video that is a sentence in another Video and it still gets 100 k views
Insym: Draws ¥
Also Insym: I've drawn a penis.
From all the bugs we see from the recent update, feel like they should have polished the thing for 2-3 more months at least and have some REAL testing. Right now what they delivered feel half though about. Some bugs are so obvious that it feel it was barely tested. The store too will need another overhaul from how counter intuitive it is sometimes.
Will the goryo change rooms with the wish? I wish for sanity since it supposed to force the ghost to Change rooms.
I think the knowledge wish does it differently. I think it starts the hunt, then teleports it to you. So the hunt started wherever the ghost was, then it was teleported to you afterwards.
I used monkey paw to wish for evidence, the crucifix stopped the hunt, and the NVGs allowed me to see.
But yea summoning circle is pretty good, the downside though is summoning circle still requires like 80+ sanity to use. I feel like you could get the same affect with music box but it doesn’t take all of your sanity.
Do a video going from Lv. 1 all the way to Lv. 100 prestiege. All in 1 stream or something.
Insym is level 100 while there's some guy at max prestige
The KING is on an upload streak rn
Honestly being a beta tester for phasmo would be awesome i would so do it for free also
ive always wanted to beta test games never got a chance to and honestly i would be pushing the game to its limits ive found so many bugs with released game that could have been caught if they just pushed the game a little i would be testing everything none stop for everything i would probably catch bugs that probably would never be seen normally 

Omg man, why your videos so long?
Hey insym what does the 'prestige' button do?
Insym can really be a real life ghost investigator…
… (Ghost buster) xd..
Imagine he vlogging in a hunted house
This makes me think mixing a load out with t2 and a t3 would be good.