Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we are reviewing the new tutorial they’ve added in the BIG NEW UPDATE. They did a pretty amazing job here! They just need to do a few adjustments and then it’s perfect! What do you think?
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9
Wait, Insym….I'm a bit disappointed. You aren't going to figure out how to do a "No-Key Tutorial" challenge?😅
Insym's a voice of the spirit box???? Spirit Box Super Jam?!?!?!?!!!!!! Make it a thing for April Fools, please????
Literally just learned that touching the ghost drained sanity, I was level 1000 before this patch and always run towards the ghost event because it ended when you touched the ghost 🙂
Whens the ps5 release date going to be announced ?
Day 12 of asking insym to play phasmo mobile ( Exorcist : Fear of phasmophobia )
Koleś udaje, że podnieca go gra dla dzieci 😀
they should have a special ghost for tutorial where all evidence is checked, name it Tootie
i think not everything needs to be explained in the tutorial. the best part of phasmophobia is the trial and error when you're first learning. if you really want to learn more than just the basics you can search up more on youtube and learn more advanced gameplay from there. i think the current tutorial is perfect, too many games now a days tell you everything you need to do and hold ur hands way too much.
Bros pinky is so long when you hold the thermometer 💀
for the key bindings, while it would be neat for the text to change based on your bindings and probably simple to program it in, this is the tutorial. Meaning it is meant for people to learn how to play the game and not for people who have adjusted commonly used key bindings after having played. I guess they could go in and change key bindings right away if they already know they want to consolidate their keys to the left side of the keyboard with the movement keys but then they have gone over all the keys anyway.
if those are new ghost models, that is actually creepy. Anything to make the game more spooky. It would be neat if someone of in the truck could monitor the cameras and see the ghost following behind a person but the person in house can't see them.
Bet I could look over that wall in VR!
Using the spirit box didn't do anything for me, I was getting red lights so it was detecting my mic and I had the same settings as last time I played pre update, but the box just didn't want to work and I couldn't progress. Did fiddle with the settings too just to make sure, but nothing after a half hour
imagine how much all of these whiteboards must have cost.
The glow stick rolling everywhere is my only issue at the moment
Have any of you experienced the crouch bug back in the game? Where you crouch and the WASD keys don't take you in the direction you want (like pressing W and being dragged sideways).
The nitpicking is more confusing than it not being there! We get it!
A hint for ghost writing for new players:
If you don't see the writing happen, it is super light on the paper and can barely see it sometimes. One huge tip is when the ghost writes, it also takes the pencil away lol. The pencil will no longer be on the book 🙂
There should be an achievement for completing the tutorial. That way it would incentivize players to actually play the tutorial and learn the game. When I started playing I didn’t realize there was a tutorial.
If it is like right at Zero C° like right on, is it still freezing? I have been having issues figuring that out..
When you have it, do lvl 1 tripot with lvl 3 camera, or lvl 3 tripod and lvl 1 camera, love from the netherlands
I appreciate that the highlighted reminder text has colors that correspond to the sticky note with the relevant keys. It’s a small thing that really helps readability.
The new starting items are pretty difficult
i wish the game was actually playable. nothing but hard crashes since the update and yes all my files are verified
Best tutorial is to watch insym play the game 🙂
there is a bug in VR where you can go through doors so new no key challenge.
you just have to hold the door handle and go to the door and then you clip through. please make a video
Am I the only one where the spirit box doesn’t work in training?
Anybody else have an issue where the spirit box will never work in the tutorial and maybe in game too?
Those floating hands are getting old now … good update but slow progress …
The tutorial is pretty nice but I think they should show how to use cursed possessions
Man, your idea of the intelligence of the average gamer is poor. It's like you think they're all idiots
Fun fact you can hear conversation between people In the background. Its all sorts of fun to listen to it
Real talk tho why is every ghost now suddenly a myling cant hear shit while its hunting.
what i would really appreciate for new players is that, at the end of the tutorial you get a random ghost (among the simpler ones) without hunts to try and get the evidence and fill in the journal before leaving
I had a Moroi give me DOTS evidence yesterday. kinda irritated about it -_-
16:30 I would like to see a screen with a video playing on repeat showing what actual DOTS evidence looks like. Have the video be taken from a tripod camera's perspective, showing a lone Tier 2 DOTS Projector in the center. Suddenly, an entity walks across the screen and is shown by DOTS. The video replays the evidence in slow motion, as the evidence is quite easy to miss. The video then starts again with the projector by itself.
One thing I have learned playing with newer players is to look for hiding places when you enter some where and have a plan on where you want to hide. You can't depend on just following others as doors may get closed on you resulting in your death.
Insym taught us phasmo when the og tutorial didn’t 😅
The NEW tutorial is actually good NOW…find what's wrong with that title lol
I'd love to play this, too, but I am having serious issues since the update. At first, it was just being stuck in the van and unable to finish the contract unless I leave via the menu, and now it just crashes as soon as I enter the lobby
What would be interesting is if they make tier 1 to tier 3 tools relevant for more resource mechanics, like say for EMF you can detect two more types of energy to narrow down a ghost type or using this to track down a cursed possession.
No gamepad tutorial?
Anyone know when the console release drops?
This tutorial is almost perfect. The only thing I don't like is that the "hunt" at the end is extremely scripted, the ghost won't even detect your equipment. What I wish they did at the end was have a "real" hunt where a tutorial ghost actually hunts you down, but if it catches you, it only knocks you out and puts you outside the tutorial room. That way people can experiment a bit and learn generally how ghost hunts work without spoiling unique hunt abilities.
Honestly I’m so glad that they improved the tutorial! I’m still new to phasmo and the old tutorial was mad confusing… then I just watched insym and it cleared up a LOT that I was missing/couldn’t figure out lol so thank you Devs!! I really appreciate it❤❤🎉🎉
day 4 of asking if insym eats his vegetables
the one thing it doesn't explain is actually using the journal
maybe add a better hiding room with highlighted areas of wear you can stand