The NEW Update is Terrifying – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to the Phasmophobia New update! In this video we cover the update without using VR. We’re checking the new hiding spots, new ghost model, new sound sensors and more! I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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Intro art by:
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.0.1


46 thoughts on “The NEW Update is Terrifying – Phasmophobia”

  1. I tried to use the mirror to it Will break and we had a spirit and My friend smudge the room and i wanted to try to see if it could Hunt even if i smudge it could Hunt and i died lol xD

  2. It’s practically a Uno reverse when it comes to hiding spots. Willow and Maple Lodge used to be the most restricted maps when it comes to hiding spots, now, it’s the practically the other way around.

  3. Could they not put a small invisible wall or barrier where people would hide at the old door spots instead of making the doors weird? What would be the downsides of them doing that?

    This isn’t a shot at the developers, btw. I’m just genuinely curious if doing that would do anything except maybe hurt immersion.

  4. I thing my friends and I have noticed over the past few months is the ghost room would almost always be right next to the only hiding spot we would get. Hope this gets fixed.

  5. I hope the funky door placements are a temporary issue until they've been able to improve the ghost AI to where the ghosts start checking behind the doors if they can't find you in the rooms. I think doors should function as temporary and risky hiding option that lets you duck out behind the ghost if you get chased into a room without a hiding spot during a hunt.

  6. There's a lot of bugs, right now.. there's some interaction phoptos you could take, you can't take anymore, fingerprint in patio door (kitchen) in Tanglewood can't be taken, some ligt switches and all.. They did the update, yet they broke a lot of things


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